Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blu-ray Review: NUDE NUNS WITH BIG GUNS (2010)

Directed by:  Joseph Guzman
Distributed by:  IMAGE Entertainment

First off, let me start by saying if they gave awards for the best movie titles, this film would
win hands down!    NUDE NUNS WITH BIG GUNS is a title you just can't help but like.  I also love the two tag lines of the film:  "This Sister is one bad Mother" and "She's got a bad habit"!  HA....classic!    For those of you not familiar with the film, here is the basic plot from the film's official website:

Upon taking her vows to become a nun, Sister Sarah is abused, brainwashed and drugged into submission by the corrupt clergy. On the verge of death from a lethal dose of drugs, Sister Sarah receives a message from GOD telling her to take vengeance on all those who did her wrong. Armed with God's will and an arsenal of big guns, she dispenses Judgment Day on her former tormentors. When the church hires the merciless motorcycle gang the "Los Muertos" to track down and kill her they soon realize that this Sister is one bad Mother!

 NUDE NUNS WITH BIG GUNS is shot in an old Grindhouse style.  Many films have done this every since Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez made that genre popular again with their film, GRINDHOUSE, but not too many of these films really get it right.  You can tell it is a new movie just made to look older.   NNWBG does the hole grindhouse bit perfect.   The filmmakers did a perfect job from the font style of the opening credits to the music throughout the film.   If I didn't know better, you could tell me this was a long lost grindhouse film from the 70's and I just might have believed it.

This movie is dirty, gritty, and sleazy....and that is a compliment for this type of film.  That is what the old movies were like that played in those sleazy grindhouse theaters on 42nd Street in New York back in the 60's and 70's.   This movie would fit right in with the best of them all.    The idea of a nun going on a shooting rampage is a crazy idea, and seeing it carried out on screen is even crazier!

There are some hard parts to watch in this film, especially a couple of rape scenes, but the bad guys get what is coming to them by way of this ticked off Sister!   Armed with her guns and her sex appeal, she gets back at all those that have done here wrong, sparing no one in her quest to rid the land of the scum that inhabits it.   

Great action, some good gore, and full of beautiful women showing off their...well...big guns, this film has something for everyone!   Check this one out for sure!   The DVD and Blu-ray is available now.

Special features include the trailer and the NUDE NUNS WITH BIG GUNS original short film that inspired the full length feature film.

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray

Monday, February 27, 2012

This week's Horror related DVD releases: Tuesday, Feburary 28th, 2012

Here are the horror related DVD's and Blu-rays coming out tomorrow, 2/28:
(click on a title to see a trailer for that film)

BABA YAGA  [Blu-ray]  (** WARNING ** - trailer contains nudity)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Check out the cool short film, COST OF LIVING


Thanks to my buddy (and contributing writer of the 4H blog) Scott Baker, for telling me about this cool short film, COST OF LIVING.   The short film was written and directed by BenDavid Grabinski and this looks to be his first film.  This film is very well done and I look forward to more from Mr. Grabinski in the future.  

COST OF LIVING is about two security guards at a very unique corporation who have to battle with a slew of monsters that have escaped.  Apparently they work at some kind of company that breeds werechildren and other creatures.  Yes you read that right.....werechildren.  I guess they breed young werewolf kids or something...anyway, you never really see the monsters, but the film is so well made it gets the point across without really showing much.  There is also humor throughout the film.  Check this short film out and then comment and let me know what you thought of it!   


Saturday, February 25, 2012


------Review by contributing writer Scott Baker------
Directed by: Bob Clark
Distributed by:  VCI ENTERTAINMENT
Holy cow...I just watched a horror movie that came out before I was even born! And you know what? It was actually pretty good! CHILDREN SHOULDN’T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS is one of those films I have seen on video store shelves for decades, but just never picked up for some reason. So when Hayes presented me with the opportunity to review it, I though “Heck yeah...this actually gives me a reason to watch it!
If you are not familiar with CHILDREN SHOULDN’T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS, here is the plot synopsis from the VCI Entertainment website:

Led by a mean-spirited director, Alan (Alan Ormsby), a theater troupe travels by boat to a small island graveyard for buried criminals. Using a grimoire, Alan begins a séance to raise the dead. The group finds more than they bargained for when the dead return from their graves, forcing the troupe to take refuge in an old abandoned caretaker’s house. Can they stay put until daylight against the undead onslaught, or do they flee into the pitch black night? Will anyone survive?
I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this film. I mean, with it being so old, would it stand the test of time and be comparable to titles that have been made recently? Needless to say, I had some hesitation.
But lo and behold, the film is really fun and very entertaining. I found myself laughing one moment and being surprised the next. CHILDREN SHOULDN’T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS is like a haunted house ride that veers out of control and eventually runs away with you.
The special effects look pretty good, considering how dated they are. And the zombies themselves are very reminiscent of Romero’s dead in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. These two aspects were huge draws for me immediately. Add to that some interesting dialogue and a witty script, and you can see how this film can be entertaining.
I especially enjoyed the banter coming from director (in the movie) Alan in regard to the corpse Orville. It comes across as both hilarious and extremely creepy at the same time. And, when Orville finally gets up and seeks his revenge...well, let’s just say that Alan gets what he deserves and then some.
My sole complaint about CHILDREN SHOULDN’T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS is how it ended. [SPOILER ALERT] I don’t think zombies would know how to handle a boat, let alone even have the mental capacity to consider it. I’m sure director Bob Clark was setting the film up for a sequel, but it just doesn’t work for me.
Still, CHILDREN SHOULDN’T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS is a winner for me, and it should be on your To-Watch List. I would grab a couple of friends and watch it as a group; this is one of those films that invokes a lot of discussion and ad-libbing. Give this one a look for sure.
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD


Check out this cool Visual Effects Featurette from THE WALKING DEAD Season 2

My buddy Caleb is always finding great stuff for me that he thinks my blog readers might enjoy, and this time he notified me about something really cool.  My favorite show on TV right now  (and probably a favorite of a lot of you as well) is THE WALKING DEAD.   Here is a cool 2 minutes featurette showing some of the visual effects of the film and how they are done.    I especially like how they mix practical effects with the CG to make some really great visuals.   Check this out for sure!

CLICK HERE to watch THE WALKING DEAD Visual Effects Featurette

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blu-ray Review: THE DEADLY SPAWN (1983)

Directed by:  Douglas McKeown
Distributed by:  MVD Visual
 THE DEADLY SPAWN is one of those films that I have always known about, but I have never actually seen.   I remember seeing the case for it many times while browsing my local video store as  kid, but for one reason or another, I never did check this film out.   Well, it is almost 20 years since this film came out, and now we can all enjoy this film on Blu-ray thanks to MVD Entertainment.   Here is the basic plot from the MVD website:
Two campers in the New Jersey woods have their outdoor fun interrupted by the arrival of a meteorite crashing nearby. They go to investigate the crater, but are suddenly attacked and devoured by alien parasites who have hitched a ride to Earth. After finishing off the campers, the hungry space monsters head for a nearby town, where they make their domain in the basement of an old house and soon begin polishing off one hapless inhabitant after another. Four young teenagers, plus one pre-teen boy, try to find a way to stop the angry space monsters before they reproduce and literally eat humanity.
  This movie is classic 80's horror.  I really enjoyed this one.  Watching this film made me feel like a kid back in the 80's again.  Having never seen this before, it was a neat feeling to watch a classic from the 80's for the first time.  Not a lot of good "creature features" are being made these days (other than the numerous scyfy channel shark hybrid films), so it was cool to see a good old fashioned creature flick.
 This movie will not be for these days might make light of the effects since they have been raised on CG effects is almost every horror film they watch.  But those of us old enough to remember when CG wasn't around will appreciate the practical gore effects in this film.   While some is quite fake looking, it is still a lot of fun and I imagine this looked pretty amazing upon the film's initial release.   There are a lot of great gore scenes in this film, including a great scene were a pretty young lady has her head bitten off by the monster and then her headless body falls from a 2nd story window.  This scene was very well done and was quite disturbing.

 Like a lot of 80's horror films, the acting is pretty bad, and some of the dialog is just plain awful, but now it almost adds to the nostalgia of the film.   I highly recommend you check this one out if you haven't seen it.  The Blu-ray is available now and is loaded with bonus features including:

*  Special Introduction By Producer Ted A. Bohus
*  New Commentary Track with Producer Ted A. Bohus and Editor Marc Harwood
*  Production & Promotional Still Photo Gallery
*  Color Pages From The Upcoming Comic
*  Casting Tapes
*  Gag Reel
*  Theatrical Trailer & TV Spot
*  "Effects Enhanced" Opening Scene
*  Local Television Coverage Footage
*  Full Color Insert Featuring Liner Notes By Producer Ted A. Bohus
*  and MORE!

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Check out the trailer for ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER

 If you haven't had a chance to see the trailer for the upcoming film, ABRAHAM LINCOLN:  VAMPIRE HUNTER, take a moment and check it out for sure.  This looks like it is going to be a very fun film.   The movie is Directed by Timur Bekmambetov, and Produced by Tim Burton.   The movie is based on the book by the same name by Seth Grahame-Smith.
 The film is scheduled to be released in theaters in 3D on June 22nd of this year.
CLICK HERE watch the trailer

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

DVD Review: THE UH-OH SHOW (2009)

Written & Directed by:  Herschell Gordon Lewis
Distributed by:  Media Blasters

For those familiar with the work of H.G. Lewis, you know what you are in for with one
of his films.   He is known as the "Godfather of Gore" for good reason.   His films are packed
full of blood and guts and his latest film, THE UH-OH SHOW, is no exception.  Here is the plot from
Jill Burton is a reporter who's dead set on getting the scoop behind The Uh-Oh! Show, the gory TV sensation that's sweeping the nation. Get the answer right and win piles of dough, get it wrong and Uh-Oh! it s off with your arms, legs, or more! Fred Finagler, the shows mastermind, feeds the fans depraved cravings by launching an even bloodier reality spectacular filled with Big Bad Wolf attacks, Hansel & Gretel-style torture massacres, and mauling mutilations from the Three Bears and a gore-crazed Goldilocks. It's just the type of prime-time violence Fred needs to keep the ratings high!

 If you are a fan of Mr. Lewis' films, then you will love THE UH-OH SHOW!  Even though this is a new film, it still has a look and feel to it as though it is one of his films from the 60's or 70's.   The film has a hilarious plot centered around a game show where you loose more than just money if you get an answer wrong.   The acting is not the strongest, but let's be honest...that's not what we are really looking for when we watch film from the Godfather of Gore!  We are here for the gore and just like his blood trilogy films from years ago, they are full of the red stuff!  You will witness arms and legs being cut off, as well has a head or two!  What is great is that all this is done with almost all practical effects.  Lewis does join the modern class of filmmakers and does use some CG effects, but they are very minimal.  Mainly just a blood splatter here and there. 

 If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you check out THE UH-OH SHOW.  They don't make movies like this anymore.  Today's films that contain this much blood and guts are very dark and on a very serious not.  H.G. Lewis knows the gore is over the top, and plays it that way with some tongue-in-cheek humor.  The film is campy and fun, just like Mr. Lewis wanted it to be.  This is another piece of great work from one of the living legends of our time.  

THE UH-OH SHOW is available now on DVD from Media Blasters and contains the following special features:

*  Making of THE UH-OH SHOW
*  Commentary with Herschell Gordon Lewis
*  Commentary with producers Andrew Allan, Andy Lalino, and Mark Ford
*  Commentary with actors Brooke McCarter and Joel D. Wynkoop

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD

Saturday, February 18, 2012

DVD Review: HOSTEL 3 (2011)

Directed by:  Scott Spiegel
Distributed by:  Sony Pictures

 Whether you are a fan of the HOSTEL films or not, I encourage you to check out the newest installment in the franchise, HOSTEL PART III.   This 3rd installment is nothing like I expected and I was very happily surprised by how good this film was.  Before I go any further, here is the plot courtesy of

While attending a bachelor party in Las Vegas, four friends are enticed by two sexy escorts to join them at a private party way off the Strip. Once there, they are horrified to find themselves the subjects of a perverse game of torture, where members of the Elite Hunting Club are hosting the most sadistic show in town.

I enjoyed the first two HOSTEL films....I thought they were gritty and dark, just like I like my horror movies.  Some people got tired of the torture element  (dubbing the films, torture-porn), and I can understand that to some degree.  For those tired of the films just focusing on the torture and gore aspect, HOSTEL 3 will will be a welcome addition for you.

HOSTEL 3 is much more than just torture and gore, although that is definitely a part of the film, but to a much less degree than the first two films.   This new film actually has a good story to it, characters you can actually get into and care about, some good plot twists, and even some humor.   This film literally has something for everyone in it.

The film was directed by Scott Spiegel, who was the Executive Producer on the first two HOSTEL films  (not to mention the same guy who worked with Sam Rami and Bruce Campbell on the EVIL DEAD films!).   I think Mr. Spiegel heard the backlash and negative comments about the first two HOSTEL films and decided to take this a different direction and he definitely succeeded! 

Being direct to DVD, and not having Eli Roth in the director's chair, I honestly wasn't expecting much out of HOSTEL3.   I can honestly say that this 3rd installment is as good, if not better than the first two films.    If you think they guys from THE HANGOVER had a rough time in Vegas, you haven't seen anything yet! 

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blu-ray Review: THE DEAD (2010)

Written and Directed by: The Ford Brothers
(Howard J. Ford, Jonathan Ford)
Distributed by:  Anchor Bay Entertainment

Last October, I reviewed a zombie film called, THE DEAD  (see review here),   At that time the film was in a limited theatrical run, but now the film is finally out on DVD an Blu-ray thanks to the fine folks at Anchor Bay Entertainment.  For those not familiar with THE DEAD, here is the basic plot from the film's official website:
An American mercenary, the sole survivor of a plane crash, has to run the gauntlet across Africa, battling with the living dead. Joining forces with a local military man, desperately searching for his son amongst the chaos, they fight together to survive, in the first Zombie Road-Movie set against the stunning backdrop of Africa.
At the time of my original review, I stated that this was "the perfect zombie film".   After seeing the film on Blu-ray, I stand by that statement and have now put this film in the ranks of the early Romero zombie films.   I can't say enough about this film.  If you have not seen this film, do yourself a favor and do so.   I won't say too much more about it, since you can just read my original review, but if you are going to see just one zombie movie this year, make it this one.   Even with a second viewing of the film,  it still got to me and drew me in.  The zombies are ultra realistic looking and there are lots of them all throughout the film.  

Special features include:

* Filmmaker's Commentary With Howard J. Ford And Jon Ford
* Unearthing THE DEAD:  Behind The Scenes
* Deleted Scenes

THE DEAD was released this week to DVD & Blu-ray so it is available now.  This is one you will want to add to your collection for sure.
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official website
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray

Monday, February 13, 2012

This week's Horror related DVD releases: Tuesday, Feburary 14th, 2012

Here are the horror related DVD's coming out Tuesday, 2/14:
(Click on a title to see a trailer for that film)

THE DEAD  [DVD & Blu-ray]

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Support the new horror documentary, I HEART MONSTER MOVIES

Check out the Indiegogo page for a new film by Trionic Entertainment called, I HEART MONSTER MOVIES.   It is a documentary made by and for fans of the horror genre and will features interviews not only with horror legends and icons, but also normal fans of the genre like you and me.

Here is the basic plot of the film from the film's Indeigogo page:

Horror fans come from all walks of life and all types of backgrounds. Do horror fans have anything in common? What draws some people to gore while others run screaming from it? We take an intelligent and insightful look at who horror fans are and what motivates their dedication. This is an in-depth look at horror fans in their own words.

I HEART MONSTER MOVIES is currently in production, and they are raising money to travel to visit and interview more horror actors and icons.   Currentley, they have already interviewed such stars as Tom Savini, Bill Moseley, David J (of Bauhaus and Love and Rockets), Alex Vincent, the Avellan sisters, Linnea Quigley, Sid Haig, Thom Carnell, Elissa Dowling, Michael Gornick, and John Amplas.

Help support this awesome project, and you could get your name in the credits of the film under a special "Thank You" section, as well as T-shirts, DVD's of the film, and more  (depending on your funding level).

CLICK HERE to visit the Indiegogo page for I HEART MONSTER MOVIES and help support this film today!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's Robots Vs. Zombies in the Dolph Lundgren Sci-Fi/Horror flick, BATTLE OF THE DAMNED

I love zombie movies.  Always have, always will.  As many zombie movies that have come out lately, you think I would be getting tired of them, but I am definitly not.  I say keep them coming, even if they are as strange sounding as the new film, BATTLE OF THE DAMNED, which features robots fighting zombies.  Well, at least you can say it's an original plot....I can't say I have seen a movie featuring robots battling zombies.   Here is the simple plot from

Following a deadly viral outbreak, private military soldier Max Gatling leads a handful of survivors and a ragtag band of robots against an army of the infected.

The film stars action vet Dolph Lundgren and is written and directed by Christopher Hatton.  BATTLE OF THE DAMNED is filming this year with a 2013 release.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Check out this cool gift for all you zombie fans!!

 Thanks to my buddy Caleb for alerting me about this cool zombie desk has these awesome zombie desk organizers which are perfect for the zombie fan that has everything!   This tough, urethane resin zombie head sculpture has holes in his head for your pins, magnatized eyes for your paperclips, and a mouth that can hold business cards or post it notes!    The zombie desk organizer is pretty pricey at $34.95 (+ S&H), but I think it is well worth it.  These are all hand crafted and hand painted, so no two pieces are the same.

CLICK HERE to purchase your zombie desk organizer!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Space Nazis from the moon!! Check out the trailer for the epic sci-fi film, IRON SKY

WOW!!  That is all I can say after just watching the trailer for a new sci-fi film called, IRON SKY!  This film looks amazing to me.  Here is the plot from the film's official website:
  In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.
  When American astronaut James Washington (Christopher Kirby) puts down his Lunar Lander a bit too close to the secret Nazi base, the Moon Führer (Udo Kier) decides the glorious moment of retaking the Earth has arrived sooner than expected. Washington claims the mission is just a publicity stunt for the President of the United States (Stephanie Paul), but what else could the man be but a scout for the imminent attack by Earth forces? The Fourth Reich must act!
  Two Nazi officers, ruthless Klaus Adler (Götz Otto) and idealistic Renate Richter (Julia Dietze), travel to Earth to prepare the invasion. In the end when the Moon Nazi UFO armada darkens the skies, ready to strike at the unprepared Earth, every man, woman and nation alike, must re-evaluate their priorities.

Check out the trailer, and let me know what you think.  I think this will be a must see for sure!

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer

Monday, February 6, 2012

This week's Horror related DVD releases: Tuesday, Feburary 7th, 2012

Here are this week's horror related DVD's coming out 2/7:
(Click a title to see a trailer for that film)


Sunday, February 5, 2012

DVD Review: HUMAN NATURE (2004)

------Review by contributing writer Scott Baker------
Written & Directed by Vince D'Amato
 For me, horror films can be broken up into different categories. For example, there is the SCARIER-THAN-ALL-HELL category. This is what I would use to classify movies like INSIDIOUS and PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. Then, you have AWESOME-GORE films like Peter Jackson’s DEAD ALIVE. There’s also TONGUE-IN-CHEEK-AWESOMENESS such as Sam Raimi’s masterpieces like EVIL DEAD and ARMY OF DARKNESS. It’s fun trying to figure out where your favorite films fall.
But, unfortunately, there’s a downside to categorization as well. Why? Well, for all the movies that suck, you have to find a category for them as well. Is it LOW-BUDGET-BUT-CRAPPILY-DONE? Or is it TOO-STUPID-TO-EXIST? Categorizing the sucky films can be fun as well, but it can also be mind-numbing.
The subject of today’s review is just that: mind-numbingly boring. The film is titled HUMAN NATURE and it was truly an endeavor of stamina to watch. If you are not familiar with HUMAN NATURE, here is the synopsis courtesy of the DVD case:
Inspired by a true story, HUMAN NATURE documents the shocking life of a married man who abducts and tortures women in his garage, while keeping his wife, who longs for his attention, in the dark.
Ok...I know what you’re thinking. The basic premise sounds promising. I know Hayes is a huge fan of serial killer movies, and they hold a special place in my heart as well. BUT...these movies need to have substance. They need to be more than just remakes of every other serial killer flick we’ve seen. Unfortunately, HUMAN NATURE brings nothing new to the table and even lacks enough gore or suspense to keep the audience awake.
I understand this is a low-budget film, but the cinematography is bland and the acting is horrible. Not to mention the fact that the audio is so low that I had to crank my surround sound up just to hear what the actors were saying. But when the “action” started, the sound threatened to blow my speakers. Not sure if this is a transfer glitch from post-production to disk, but it definitely needs to be addressed.
Part of what irritated me so much about HUMAN NATURE is that nothing is ever really explained (or maybe it was and I just missed it because I couldn’t hear the explanation). We have a guy that kidnaps women and tortures and kills them in his garage...while his conveniently-idiotic wife stays in the house and never asks questions. Not only is this unrealistic, it’s boring as well. “Oh look...he got another girl...I wonder what he’ll do this time? Oh...guess he’s going to torture her...” (YAWN)
Don’t get me wrong...many of the serial killer flicks I’ve seen have been entertaining and suspenseful. But they were unique in some form or fashion. Jason (oh yeah...I’m going here, old school) was basically a sadistic kid out to revenge his mom; Freddy could enter your dreams; Jigsaw set up elaborate devices...these guys all had their own flair. Which is something you have to have to survive in the Horror genre. HUMAN NATURE lacks flair, entertainment, interest, and even sensibility.
For me, this film is a big fail. I would not recommend wasting your time on this one.
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Check out the cool trailer for the upcoming film, GOD BLESS AMERICA

 Have you heard of the film GOD BLESS AMERICA from writer/director Bobcat Goldthwait?  Well, if you haven't, check out the trailer below.  I think this film looks very promising.  It's probably more of a dark comedy, but still has some very horrific elements to it!  Here is the basic plot from

Loveless, jobless, possibly terminally ill, Frank has had enough of the downward spiral of America. With nothing left to lose, Frank takes his gun and offs the stupidest, cruelest, and most repellent members of society. He finds an unusual accomplice: 16-year-old Roxy, who shares his sense of rage and disenfranchisement.

GOD BLESS AMERICA premiers On Demand April 6th, and in theaters May 11th.

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Check out the creepy trailer for Eric Hurt's horror thriller, HOUSE HUNTING

 I just got a press release for the film HOUSE HUNTING, and I jut had to share it.  I knew nothing about this film before reading the press release, but it looks like it is going to be a very fun film.  It is a haunted house flick, which I love.  Here is the basic plot courtesy of Phase 4 Films:

Two families attend an open house in the hopes of finding their dream home. Upon entering, their dream quickly becomes a hellish nightmare when they realize that every attempt to leave takes them right back to the front door. Stuck in this purgatory, the two families are haunted by the deserted home’s former owner with the declaration that only one of the two families will be able to call this house their home.
  Phase 4 Films has released some wonderful genre films lately, and it looks like this will be another great one to add to the list!  The film is directed by Eric Hurt, and is being released on Video On Demand by Phase 4 Films.  In fact, the film is available now on Comcast, Cox, Insight and Cable Vision!   Check out this film asap!  Let me know what you think of it once you see it!

Also, you gotta love the cool, retro looking movie poster!   Very nice!
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Directed by:  Joe Castro
Distributed by Breaking Glass Pictures

I know most of you have seen tons of slasher films, but can you say you have seen the movie that holds the Guinness Book Of World Records for the highest body count in a single film?   That record is 155 kills ant the movie is called THE SUMMMER OF MASSACRE.   I am proud to say that I have now seen this record holding film.  Here is the basic plot of the film from the breaking glass pictures website:

 Director-Writer, Joe Castro (Terror Toons 1&2, The Jackhammer Massacre) introduces another original tale -- the first anthology slasher film which presents eight killers in 5 gorefest tales. Featuring Brinke Stevens (Slumber Party Massacre), Nick Principe (Laid to Rest), and Cleve Hall (Nightmare), plus a never before recorded gore epic body count with more than 150 onscreen deaths.
 Ungodly brutal beatings turns Chris, a young man, into a fiend that sets off a bloody, like never before seen, rampage. Beauty is truly only skin deep - Watch a young paraplegic, whose body is also wrecked with spinal bifida, fight for her life as her older, beautiful sister tries to murder her.
 It’s been 36 years since Jesse’s loving mother was raped by his biological father. Now, after hiding and running their entire lives in fear of this murderous rapist --- He has found them!A group of Christian teenagers are stalked, mamed and burned by a local legend in a haunted forest.
 Three legendary serial killers terrorize downtown Los Angeles by murdering countless innocent souls and the killer plan is to go out with a real bang.
 There’s nothing like the sweltering heat of summer to set off a massacre. The Summer of Massacre is a 100 mph slasher ride that never slows down. Packed with enough gore and insanity to send you looking for your barf bag.

 Well, they are right about the gore. It is non stop  Never does the film go for over a minute before you see the splattering of the red stuff.   The film is set up as an anthology which I always enjoy.  Most all the films are nothing but killing, except for the segment titled 'Lump' which actually does have a good plot and a clever twist at the end.   'Lump' is about a mentally challenged girl (with a lump on her face) who here beautiful sister can't stand.  The sister takes "lump" hiking with her and her friends and basically shoves her wheelchair over a cliff.  The girl survives the fall and then seeks revenge on her sister and her sisters friends. 

 With a 155 kills in this film, you think this would be the greatest slasher film of all time.  Unfortunately, there is one big problem.  All of the kills are done with CG.  ALL OF THEM.  And it is not good CG either.  In fact, it's not even bad CG.  It is horrible CG.   While some of the kills are cool and look good, the majority of them look so fact they are almost funny.   Take for instance a man killed by having a TV remote shoved in his mouth which somehow warrants the CG blood to fly!  And dont' get me started on the guy killed by having a bag of ice held over his face for about 5 seconds which causes his head to turn gray as if he were frozen to death.  Really?

 Ok, sorry, you know I hate CG effects in horror films.   But even some CG effects are necessary and are ok, but there is no excuse for the horrible CG effects found here.    Despite the GG, I still enjoyed this film, but I can't think about how good this film could have been if they would have cut the kills in half and spent more time and/or money on practical effects, or even some better CG effects.   This is definitely a case of the film maker's choosing quantity over quality. 

 THE SUMMER OF MASSACRE is available now on DVD and Blu-ray from Breaking Glass Pictures.

Special Features include:

* Director's Commentary
* Director's Diary  (Behind the Scenes)
* Interview with Bring Stevens
* Cast Auditions
* Joe Castro's "Childhood Massacre" short film

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray