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Friday, February 8, 2013

DVD Review: GUT (2012)

Written and Directed by

  I got a film a while back to review called GUT.  I  had never heard of the film, and knew little about it, but the trailer looked very promising.   I finally had a chance to check it out last night and I am very glad I did.  This is a very well made film...very creepy and atmospheric. Here is the plot from the film's imdb page:

  Something is missing in Tom's life. Every day he goes through the motions, becoming increasingly detached from those around him. His best friend Dan thinks he has the answer, a mysterious video he's got to see to believe. What Dan shows him leaves Tom unsettled, flooding his mind with disturbing images and desires, and binding the two friends together with its ugly secret. As he tries desperately to forget what he saw, Tom's mounting feelings of guilt and disillusionment quickly give way to paranoia and fear. One video soon follows another and another, blurring the line between reality and voyeuristic fascination, and threatening to dismantle everything around them.    

  This is a very strange movie, which is the kind of movie I like.  It had the feel of a David Cronenberg film to me.  I have to warn you that the film is slow at times..but even during the slow times, there is a sense of unease, as you wonder what is going to come next.  There is a constant unnerving feel as you watch this film.  

 Although I've seen some critique of the acting on some other reviews, I found the acting to be very believable.  I especially liked the part of Dan played by Nicholas Wilder, as this character brought some instances of comic relief to an otherwise very grim tale.

  Give this movie a shot and stay with it to the end, and you will be treated to one very disturbing final act.  GUT is one of those films that is hard to say you liked, because it is a not a fun, happy film.  But it is a movie that is very well made, and is worth a viewing in my opinion.  More dark drama, than horror, the film still has some horror elements to it and a good bit of gore.  Check this one out for sure.

  GUT is available now to Rent/Own at Amazon, Vudu, Xbox, Playstation, CinemaNow, Google Play & YouTube!

CLICK HERE to watch trailers and clips from the movie
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official website
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official facebook page


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