Monday, November 30, 2009

This weeks Horror DVD releases: TUESDAY, December 1

Here are the Horror related DVD's coming out tomorrow, 12/1:
(Click on most titles to watch the trailer for that film)

* HAIR EXTENSIONS (re-release)
* SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT COMPILATION (includes parts 3, 4, and 5)

Again, a pretty bad weak for horror flicks. December is always a bad month it seems, I guess we are all supposed to be jolly and joyful and not want to watch death and destruction! What's up with that!! Zombies and killers are fun for any season! Oh well...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Check out this great Horror Blog: I LIKE HORROR MOVIES

Obviously I am a huge fan of Horror. I like to watch Horror movies and read about them, so I am always excited when I run across a Horror blog that I haven't seen before. There are thousands of Horror blogs out there, but when I run across a excellent one, I like to let my readers know about it. Well, I have found a great one, and it is simply called "I LIKE HORROR MOVIES"! What a great title for a Horror movie blog! Straight and to the point!! Like my blog, the blog author, Carl Manes, gives a good mix of reviews of older and more current movies, along with Trivia and quotes. Also worth noting, Carl has a link to his entire DVD collection (over 850 DVD's!!) that you can browse through and look at. What a cool idea! Great blog Carl! Keep up the good work!

Click HERE to check out the great Horror blog, I LIKE HORROR MOVIES!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


For those unfamiliar with the 42ND STREET FOREVER series, these are Dvd's filled with nothing but trailers from the Grindhouse era, when 42nd Street in New York was filled with seedy theaters that ran nothing but grimy exploitation and horror films. This series shows you trailers of these films, some of which you might be familiar with, and many that I'm sure you have never heard of. They are up to Volume 5 of the 42ND STREET FOREVER series, and I have to say that this is the weakest of the bunch in my opinion. Some trailers were so bad I had to skip them and go on to the next one. Now that is bad when I can't even sit through a minute and half to 2 minute long trailer! Volumes 1 and 2 were great with mainly horror offerings, but they have gone downhill since then. There are a few notable trailers that were definitely worth watching, like TERROR IN THE WAX MUSEUM and THE DEVIL WITHIN HER, aka. BEYOND THE DOOR. Click on those titles to watch the trailers.
If you haven't bought any of the 42ND STREET FOREVER films, I highly suggest the first two volumes...all the ones after that are pretty weak. Also, worth noting, they also released a 42ND STREET FOREVER XXX-TREME SPECIAL EDITION, full of nothing but trailers for the trashy adult x-rated films the grindhouse theaters showed along with the horror and exploitation films, so check that out if you are into that. You can purchase all the volumes from buy clicking on THIS LINK.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I recently ran across this extremely disgusting, disturbing, and grotesque trailer for the Japanese film called...well, GROTESQUE! The trailer is not dubbed, so I can't tell anything about the film. Basically it looks like Japan's answer to HOSTEL. Watch the trailer and let me know what you think!

Watch the trailer for GROTESQUE at your own risk!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


In honor of this great day, I present you the fake trailer for the movie, THANKSGIVING, created by Eli Roth (CABIN FEVER, HOSTEL I & II). For thoset that don't know, THANKSGIVING was one of the four fake trailers that played between PLANET TERROR and DEATH PROOF, in Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's 2007 double feature film, GRINDHOUSE! The four fake trailers were created and directed by other horror movie vets, and included: MACHETE (Rodriguez), WEREWOLF WOMEN OF THE S.S. (Rob Zombie), DON'T (Edgar Wright), and THANKSGIVING (Roth). For those that missed GRINDHOUSE in the theaters, you missed a great experience. Unfortunately, the only DVD released in the U.S. split the two films and doesn't include any of the trailers except for MACHETE.
Also...on a side note, rumors have been flying since GRINDHOUSE was released that Eli Roth was going to develop THANKSGIVING into a full feature film! Well...a check on shows that THANKSGIVING is indeed listed on Eli Roth's page as being "In Development, so we might get to see a full film one of these days!! In the meantime, enjoy this great trailer:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


"Enter if you dare, the bizarre world of the psychosexual mind" is the tagline for the film I CORPO PRESENTANO TRACCE DI VIOLENZA CARNALE, aka. BODIES BEAR TRACES OF CARNAL VIOLENCE, or better known to American audiences as the simple, TORSO. This 1973 classic was written and directed by Italian director, Sergio Martino. Martino looks like he could be a student of Dario Argento, as he has very similar styles compared to Argento's early films from the 1970's. TORSO is a stylized Giallo film, a genre popular among Italian directors during the 70's and 80's. TORSO stands apart from other Giallo films, though, in that we get a little more blood and gore than we do in typical Giallo films. Here is the plot from the Blue Underground DVD:

A series of sex murders shock a college campus, and four beautiful young girlfriends head for the safety of an isolated country villa. But as they succumb to their own erotic desires, their weekend of pleasure becomes a vacation to dismemeber at the hands-and blade-of the lecherous maniac.

A vacation to dismember...ha! I love that line. This is a great film if you are fans of the Giallo sub genre of Horror films. A few scenes stick in my mind in particular. One is a woman being chased through a muddy swamp by the killer. When the killer finally gets to her, all we see is her arm in the muddy water, and slowly, the red blood flows into the murky brown water. Very effective. Next is a scene in the vacation house when the only surviving girl is looking from an upstairs bedroom down to the 1st floor living room, where 3 of her friends lie dead at the hands of the killer. The killer enters the room carrying a saw. From her angle, all she can see is the woman's arm. Slowly, the arm moves back and forth, back and forth, and while we can't see what is happening, you know the back and forth motion is caused from the saw. These scenes are very effective and the entire movie is an experience I highly recommend.

Click HERE to watch the teaser trailer for TORSO

Click HERE to watch the RED BAND trailer for TORSO (Not safe for kids!!)

Monday, November 23, 2009

This weeks Horror DVD releases: Nov. 24

Here are the Horror related DVD's coming out Tuesday, 11/24:
(click on most titles to see a trailer for that film)


Again, nothing great this week.....if you want a good laugh, check out the trailer for THE FIEND, this trailer has the worst English dubbing I have ever seen! HA!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Must watch: Sam Raimi Lost Film: ATTACK OF THE HELPING HAND

For those that don't know who Sam Raimi is, shame on you! Sam Raimi is the director of the EVIL DEAD TRILOGY, DARKMAN, the SPIDERMAN films, and most recently, DRAG ME TO HELL. While searching one of my favorite horror blogs on the web, Evil Dead, I found this great 8mm short film shot back in 1979, 2 years before his great EVIL DEAD film. You can see some similarities in the two films and it is fun to see how far Sam Raimi has come as a director.
Check out the Sam Raimi's short film, ATTACK OF THE HELPING HAND:

Friday, November 20, 2009

A message from Zombie Hayes --- "HAYES HUDSON'S HOUSE OF HORRORS will start having contests and DVD giveaways!"

That's right, I would like to start having contest and giveaways!! The only catch is, I am not going to start the contests until I get at least 50 followers!! I appreciate all my followers and want to bring more on board...I want 4H (my term for HAYES HUDSONS HOUSE OF HORROR) to be the #1 Horror Blog on the web!!! spread the word about 4H to your Myspace friends, your Facebook friends, etc. Tweet about how cool 4H whatever you need to do! You can even blog about my blog on your blog! I will do a post thanking all those that have blogs that blogged about 4H, giving you a plug in return (just shoot me a message letting me know about the post on your blog). Ok..I am tired of the word blog now. Anyway...tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your family, your coworkers, anyone and everyone you know. As soon as I hit 50 followers, I will have my first DVD giveaway!!! Thanks everyone!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


One of my favorite Horror films from the 80's was Kevin Tenney's NIGHT OF THE DEMONS, about a group of teens that go to a Halloween party in an abandoned funeral parlor. While doing a seance, they awaken evil spirits that take over the teens one by one, turning them into vicious demons. The original starred fan fave Linnea Quigley as Suzanne. Well, 21 years later, we have a remake of this Horror classic! The film stars Bobbi Sue Luther (LAID TO REST) in the roll of Suzanne now, and also stars screen vets, Edward Furlong and Shannon Elizabeth. for a cameo by Linnea Quigley herself!! Check out the trailer below, I think this looks to be one of the better remakes we have seen in a while. What do you think?

Click HERE to watch the trailer for NIGHT OF THE DEMONS (2010)

Click HERE to watch the trailer for the original NIGHT OF THE DEMONS (1988)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Must Watch Webisode: BROKEN TOY

My buddy Scott let found this online and let me know about it. It is a web series called BROKEN TOY. Episode 1 is out now and is definitely worth watching. It is only about 5 minutes long. I wish I could tell you what the plot is, but it is really hard to tell...I think we will figure it out as we go along with future episodes. The episode opens with a man covered in blood making eggs in someones house....he apparently is a machine of some sort that has malfunctioned. That is about all I can tell...not sure if this is going to veer more towards Horror or Sci-Fi, or a good mixture of both, but either way this is very intriguing. Let me know what you think! I will post an update once Episode 2 is released!

Click HERE to watch Episode 1 of BROKEN TOY

Monday, November 16, 2009

This weeks Horror related DVD releases

Here are the Horror related DVD's coming out tomorrow, 11/17:
(click on titles to watch a trailer for that film)


I haven't heard much about any of these films, there are a few that look interesting based on the trailers. Check out EVILUTION if you are a zombie fan (like myself). THE CANYON looks like a promising bit of survival horror. PENANCE looks......well...interesting I guess would be the word. TAINTLIGHT is a TWILIGHT parody that looks like it could be the worst movie ever made. Actually, watch the trailer for THANKSKILLING, it might actually be the worst movie ever's about a killer turkey. Yes, you read that right.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Check out the trailer for the horror/comedy TRANSYLMANIA

TRANSYLMANIA stars James DeBello (CABIN FEVER, SCARY MOVIE 2) and a group of others as college kids who go to study abroad in beautiful...Romania! Apparently, they find out the school they are studying at is run by Vampires!! This movie looks really dumb, but in a really so dumb it could be really funny type of way. The movie is rated R and has a theatrical release date of Dec. 4th. Watch the trailer and then let me know what you think.

Click HERE to watch the trailer for TRANSYLMANIA

Click HERE to go to the Official Website (You can watch the RED BAND trailer after going to the RESTRICTED AREA)

Happy Sunday the 15th!!

Dang...I had a neat theme going...but I have no movie to match up to today's date. Oh well!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy SATURDAY THE 14th!

Everyone knows about FRIDAY THE 13th, but do you know about a little film called SATURDAY THE 14th? As you might expect, it is a horror/comedy spoof. The film came out in 1981 and was one of the funniest movies I had ever seen at the time (give me a break, I was about 8 years old when I first saw it). I'm sure if I watched it now, I might feel different about it...based on the trailer I just watched anyway! Click below to watch the trailer for yourself....have you seen this film before?

Click HERE to watch the trailer for SATURDAY THE 14th!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy FRIDAY THE 13th!!!

It is FRIDAY THE 13th! This really should be a national holiday! Oh well....just for fun here are some fun facts about FRIDAY THE 13th....the date and the film!!

Facts about FRIDAY THE 13th the date:

* The fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.
* The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia.
* The maximum number of Friday the 13th's one year can have is 3, which occurred this year
in Feb, March, and Nov. The next time a year will have 3 Friday the 13th will be in 2015!

Facts about FRIDAY THE 13th the movie (info from

* Betsy Palmer said that if it were not for the fact that she was in desperate need of a new car, she would never have taken the part of Pamela Voorhees. In fact, after she read the script she called the film "a piece of shit".
* The movie was filmed at Camp Nobebosco in New Jersey. The camp is still in operation to date, and they have a wall of Friday the 13th paraphernalia to honor the fact that the movie was set there.
* The film made $39,754,601 and had a budget of $550,000.
* Victor Miller's (writer) working title for the script was "Long Night at Camp Blood".

I hope you enjoyed these fun facts! Now go watch FRIDAY THE 13th!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New photos from Alexandre Aja's PIRANHA 3D has unveiled some new official photos from Alexandre Aja's new film PIRANHA 3D! I am a huge fan of Aja and his films, he is bringing real horror back to the theaters. I am super excited about this next film of his, and can't wait for a trailer. the meantime, we have some pics to tie us over. Here is the best, the others are just close up of actors.

I LOVE this looks like just total chaos and comotion. The red, blood tinted water is awesome in this pic.
To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE to go to the article

Monday, November 9, 2009

This week's Horror DVD releases

Here are the Horror Related DVD's coming out tomorrow, 11/10:
(click on titles to watch a trailer for that film)


Wow..this is the worst week in a long time for Horror fans...very weak DVD turnout this week.
Oh your money for next week!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Must watch!! Ultra gory trailer for VAMPIRE GIRL VS. FRANKENSTEIN GIRL

I just ran across this trailer and I can not wait to see this movie!! VAMPIRE GIRL VS. FRANKENSTEIN GIRL looks to be a lot of fun! It is the follow up project by the makers of TOKYO GORE POLICE, and if you have seen that film, then you have an idea of what to expect from VGvsFG! Lots of spewing red stuff!! Watch the trailer and enjoy!!

Click HERE to watch the trailer in all its bloody splendor!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The newest musician to make a Horror film: EMINEM??

That's right, according to, Eminem will be staring in SHADY TALEZ, a 3D Horror Anthology. Eminem says it will be a cross between the TWILIGHT ZONE and CREEPSHOW. No release date has been set, but a four-issue comic book series of SHADY TALEZ is due out in 2010 from Marvel Icons.

Click HERE to read the full article at

Friday, November 6, 2009

Zombifiy yourself!

Thanks again to Jonny Metro over at the Midnight Media Blog for finding this fun application! It is a zombie maker from the ZOMBIELAND official website. You can upload any picture and turn the subject into a zombie!! Here are a few I made:

My wife, April...zombified!!!
What a Hottie!!!

Zombie PEE WEE!!!!!

Click HERE to go to the ZOBMIELAND website and Zombify yourself or your friends!!
(you will be asked to enter your name and birthdate to insure your are over 18, then just click on "Zombify Yourself" over in the top right hand corner)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Wow...when will I learn. Director Jess Franco is considered a cult director, kinda like Italy's version of Ed Wood. Except Ed Wood's films were so bad that they are at least fun to watch. Jess Franco's films are so bad they just really suck. Known as SEXO CANIBAL in it's native Italy, THE DEVIL HUNTER as it is known here in the U.S. came out in 1980 and was Franco's answer to the jungle/cannibal genre that was so popular at the time, in the likes of films such as CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST and CANNIBAL FEROX. Here is the basic plot of this suckfest known as THE DEVIL HUNTER:

A Vietnam veteran heads to an island inhabited by cannibals to save a kidnapped model not only from her kidnappers, but also from the cannibals' lurking Devil God.
Speaking of the "lurking Devil God"..that sounds pretty cool...but all it is a big African American man with crazy red bug eyes who walks around buck naked and fights people. Here is a pic...I will spare you the full body shot!

While Franco does have some good films (mainly his zombie movies), this is definitely not one of them. I highly suggest you don't bother with this film unless you have 102 minutes to kill and there is no paint drying on any wall in near proximity to you .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I thought I would share a few pics from Halloween night...

Halloween has come and gone, and I miss it already. I thought I would share a few pics with you of me and my friends on Halloween night! We had a blast hanging out on Dickson St. here in Fayetteville. Enjoy the pics:

Natalie the Cop, Me as Jason Voorhees, Katy the Pin Up Girl, and Caleb in his award winning Edward Scissorhands costume (Caleb won first prize at the costume contest!). It's hard to tell in this pic, but the scissor hands were homemade by Caleb out of actual sheet metal! Well done, Caleb!!

Katy, Caleb, and Abbie as Rosie the Riveter
Me and my wife, April, who went as a Camp Crystal Lake next victim!!!

And finally, me and my buddy Phillip as Michael Graves, from The Misfits.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This weeks Horror DVD releases

Here are the Horror related DVD's coming out Tuesday, 11/3:
(Click on most titles to watch a trailer for that film)


Save your money this week...I see nothing worth buying from this weeks releases. Pretty weak week for Horror DVD's....oh well, there is always next week!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Add Michael Myers to your family photos!!

As a promotional tool for Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN 2 that came out a few months back, the official website has a neat application where you can add Michael Myers to any of your photos! Thanks to Jonny Metro over at the Midnite Media blog for posting this...I found this yesterday while checking out his awesome blog!

Here is a pic I made yesterday...

"Always take a deranged, psycho, serial killer with you on fishing trips--they are great with knives so cleaning the fish is a breeze"!

To add Michael Myers to any of your photos, click HERE to get started