Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Book review: "Day by Day Armageddon" by J.L. Bourne

With a full time job, kids, and a love for horror movies, I don't get the chance (or make the chance, maybe) to read as many books as I should. When I do start a book, if I am not immediately hooked into the plot and characters, I usually get a few chapters in then just kinda forget about it and back on the shelf it goes. This was not the case with "Day by Day Armageddon" by J.L. Bourne. This is one of the few books that I have read in practically one sitting...cover to cover. When I do make time to read a book, usually it is of the horror genre, and my favorite are books about zombies. Not sure where my love for zombies comes from, but they are the basis of all my favorite movies and books. This book is by far the best zombie novel I have ever read. In fact, if you didn't know that zombies didn't really exist, you would swear this was a non-fiction book in the way it was written.

The description on the back states:

"This is an ongoing journal depicting one man's struggle for survival. Trapped in the midst of global tragedy, he must make decisions....choices that ultimately mean life or the eternal curse to walk as one of them!"

The book is written in perfect journal form...even containing some hand drawn maps and diagrams. The version I have is 258 pages, but is a very quick read due to the double spacing, short chapters, and larger font than most novels. It is a very easy read that will suck you in and not let go until the final page. You will feel like you are right beside our hero as he struggles to fend off the zombie hordes!

If you like horror/suspense novels, then do yourself a favor and get your hands on a copy of this book! It is available at most book stores (although I had to special order from my local bookstore) or you can get it online at these sites:

Directly from the publisher, Permuted Press at:

or at

1 comment:

  1. I love zombies...and I love a good book. This sounds like something right up my alley! You gotta love those brainless brain-eaters...I mean, what's not to love?
