Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Classic Book I Will Actually Read!! "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" by Jane Austen (and Seth Grahame-Smith)

Let me start off by saying I have never read the original "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. I know it is considered one of the great classics of literary history, but how good could it really be if it didn't have zombies in it? Well now we get to find out how good this book could (and should) have been thanks to author Seth Grahame-Smith. Seth has gone back and fixed this book and made it the wild zombie adventure that it always wanted to be. I picked up a copy and can't wait to get started on it. Here is the description from the back of the book, tell me this doesn't sound sweet!!

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains." So begins Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, an expanded edition of the beloved Jane Austen novel featuring all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie mayhem. As our story opens, a mysterious plague has fallen upon the quiet English village of Meryton—and the dead are returning to life! Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is determined to wipe out the zombie menace, but she's soon distracted by the arrival of the haughty and arrogant Mr. Darcy. What ensues is a delightful comedy of manners with plenty of civilized sparring between the two young lovers—and even more violent sparring on the blood-soaked battlefield as Elizabeth wages war against hordes of flesh-eating undead. Can she vanquish the spawn of Satan? And overcome the social prejudices of the class-conscious landed gentry? Complete with romance, heartbreak, swordfights, cannibalism, and thousands of rotting corpses, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies transforms a masterpiece of world literature into something you'd actually want to read.

YES!! I will now actually read Pride and Prejudice (and zombies) and I will read any other literary "classics" if Mr. Grahame-Smith will fix them too!! Might I suggest "War and Peace and Zombies"? I have always wanted to read that, but refuse to until I know there will be scenes of Zombie Hordes chomping on brains!!!!

Also, like any good zombie story, a sequel is already planned. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Part 2 has a release date listed as October 31 of this year. I also read an interview with the author and he is also thinking of writing a biography of Abraham Lincoln! We will find out that Abe wasn't just brutally honest and didn't just help free the slaves, but apparently he was one hell of a zombie hunter as well!! I can't wait!

Happy reading!!

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