Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Movie Reveiw: KILL (2023)

Directed by:  Nikhil Nagesh Bhat

  I know what you're thinking...this is a horror blog, why are you reviewing an action film?  Well, first off, it's my blog and I can review what I want!  Ha!  The real reason, though, is because this is one of the goriest and bloodiest action films I have ever witnessed.   I say "witnessed" instead of just watched, because this was an event, and one that made you feel you were right there in the thick of the action and riding along with them on this crazy train ride!   Before I go on any further, here is a brief synopsis from the film's press release:

  Star-crossed lovers Tulika (Tanya Maniktala) and Amrit (Lakshya) find their clandestine relationship jeopardized after Tulika’s family whisks her aboard the Rajdhani Express bound for both New Delhi and an arranged marriage. But commandos Amrit and his friend are far from willing to let fate dictate their story. They embark on a “rescue” mission that turns into a gory adventure. Just when the stakes couldn’t get any higher, the train hurtles into chaos as a gang of 40 blade-wielding bandits storms in. Amrit and his friend employ their combat skills to protect the passengers. The train’s confines transform into a claustrophobic battleground, where martial arts meet mayhem. 
  Drawing inspiration from the real-life “dacoits” who once wreaked havoc on Indian trains, KILL takes this high-concept premise that blurs the lines between duty and emotion. In a world where every twist of the track could mean life or death, KILL paints a portrait of how far a man can go in love to rewrite his destiny.

  Let me start by saying this is one of the best action movies I have ever seen.  It is brilliantly acted and shot, and like I mentioned before, it really puts you in the middle of the action.  I felt at times like I was one of the passengers on the train dodging fists and knives left and right!  
  While a lot of movies are slow with character development and don't get into the action until the last half or third of the film, KILL proves it is not like any other action film you may have seen.   You get about a 15 minute setup, and then the action starts and never lets up.  This films is beyond tense, with many scenes that made me audibly gasp, or physically react by tensing up or cringing in shock.   This film had me physically and literally on the edge of my seat by the end.  
  KILL is like JOHN WICK on an adrenaline overdose, and makes the JOHN WICK movies look like made for TV,  PG-13 films.   
  To go with the action, there was also a surprising amount of emotion in this film, including one of the most beautiful endings to an action film I think I have ever seen.   This film is breathtaking, and is a new modern classic that future films will be judged against. This is one film you will not want to miss! 

  KILL is one hell of a thrill ride, and one I will be revisiting in theaters for sure!  


KILL will be released in theaters here in the U.S. starting July 4th!   

CLICK HERE to watch the Green Band Trailer
CLICK HERE to watch the Red Band Trailer


  1. You've sold me! I'm going to watch it!! I love the Wick films, so if this tops those, then I HAVE to see it!

  2. I know what movie I'm going to see this weekend!! Thanks for the review!
