Happy New Year!!! Well, I wasn't planning on it, but I took quite a bit of a Holiday break from the 4H Blog! The Holidays are a very busy time, with family get togethers and parties. Also, my boys were home from college! So, needless to say, I didn't find the time (or make the time, I guess) to do much blogging!
I did watch quite a few films during the break! I won't go into too much detail, but I will give you a quick rundown of what I watched! It wasn't all horror, but that was the majority, of course!
I had seen the first 2 and liked them, but had heard so many negative things about this 3rd installment that I just kept putting of watching it. Well, I finally broke down and watched it. It wasn't as bad as people said, but it was definitely the worst installment of the trilogy. Would I watch it again? Probably not. It was pretty bland compared to the other two, and the Human Centipede only made an appearance at the very end of the film. Overall, a pretty pointless sequel.
This is a weird one. I read about it in one of the Grindhouse Movie groups I am in on Facebook. I checked it out and I am glad I did! It involves a couple (and for some reason their son) who watch a stag film. They then go out for a night at the local carnival and they Husband and Wife see a carnival worker that looks eerily like the star of the film they just watched. They invite her back to their home (which is a huge castle) and she ends up seducing all 3 of the castle's residents. Sounds simple enough, but this is a very art house type film with some very interesting visuals and more to the story than what it looks like on the surface. This is not one to watch with the kiddo's, of course, but I would recommend this one. It was interesting enough that it actually kept me quite entertained.
This one is a fun Sci-Fi classic. One of my boys mentioned that he had never seen it, so I watched it with him. I forgot how fun this movie is! It still holds up, including the visuals and effects.
This is one I saw in the theater when it first came out and I was really disappointed in it. I think I was expecting another HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES or DEVILS REJECTS type film, so I was kind of let down. Well, it's been 12 years since I first saw it, so I decided to give it another shot. I am so glad I did! I absolutely loved this film this time around. It really goes to show you that sometimes you need to give movies you didn't like a 2nd chance. The visuals in the film was excellent and the movie was genuinely creepy. Give it a shot if you haven't seen it before, or give it a 2nd chance if you have seen it but didn't like it originally.
I waned a good laugh, and this film provided many. Not a "good" movie by any means, but it was some dumb fun and worth a watch
This was an interesting one....I'm still trying to figure out this one. I think I liked it. I'm still trying to process everything. What starts as a bank heist movie turns into a Turkey Shoot type of film, but there is more to it as well.
Horrible film. Just awful. They tried to make a knockoff ALIEN film, and failed miserably. Nothing happens. Avoid this one at all cost!
Another one to avoid. I usually like women in prison type flicks, but this one was bad. Very boring, and very slow in parts. I actually found myself nodding off several times during this film.
A true classic! One of my all time favorite horror movies. I put this one on every couple of years or so. I never get tired of it. Tom Atkins performance in this film is pure perfection! If you haven't seen this one, do yourself a favor and check it out!
I loved the first JOKER film. I was so excited when this one came out, but unfortunately I heard nothing but bad things about it. For that reason, I didn't go see it in theaters. Now that it is streaming on MAX, I decided "what the heck". I turned it on and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it was because I had such low expectations for it, but I loved it. It wasn't as good as the first one, and it is a completely type of film than the first one (which is probably why people didn't like it), but it was a great movie on it's own, and one I will be adding to my collection for sure!
I like to mix in a comedy between my horror movies, and this one was a lot of fun. It probably couldn't be made in today's world, and I don't think it's streaming anywhere, so you might have to find the DVD like I did. It's a fun movie and ends up having a good message. Lots of great quotable lines, it's a fun one that is worth a watch!
I saved the best for last. This is new new Megan Fox film on Netflix about AI robots gone wrong. The AI robots gone wrong sub-genre is fast becoming one of my favorites. This one was done extremely well and was extremely entertaining! I can't recommend this one enough!!
Have you seen any of these films? Leave me a comment about any you have seen and liked or disliked.
I'll try to get back to reviewing some new releases soon!! Stay Tuned!