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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Blu-Ray Review: THE CRIPPLED MASTERS (1979)


Directed by:  Chi Lo  (as Joe Law)
Distributed by:  Film Masters / MVD 

  If you are a fan of Kung Fu movies, and weird Grindhouse flicks, do I have a film for you!   This is Kung Fu like you have never seen before!   Frankie Shum and Jackie Conn star in this bizarre film about two Kung Fu masters that have mastered the martial art despite their disabilities (one born without arms, and one born with underdeveloped legs).  Together they form one master of Kung Fu in THE CRIPPLED MASTERS!

 Here is the official synopsis from the official press release:

Directed by Chi Lo aka Joe Law (Magic SwordsHong men xiong diHei lung), the film tells the story of two martial arts artists, one who has lost both arms and the other who has lost both legs, as they seek revenge against the villainous master who disabled them. Portrayed by Sung-Chuan Shen aka Jackie Conn and Chao-Ming Kang aka Frankie Shum—who in real-life are martial arts artists with disabilities—they endure rigorous training, forming a deep bond as they rely on resourcefulness and determination to master their unique fighting styles … and to avoid challenges from other martial artists and the master’s henchman. Also starring Li Chung KengChen Mu Chuan and Ho Chiu.

  I haven't seen too many Kung Fu movies, but I have seen a handful and have enjoyed what I have seen.  One of my favorites is the 1976 film, MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE.  I like that one so much due to it's nice mixture of Kung Fu and Horror, it is not your typical Kung Fu film.   I put THE CRIPPLED MASTERS up there in that same category as well.  Kung Fu purists might night like this one, but I found it highly enjoyable.  It's just goofy, weird, and fun.   

  While the two main actors were born with their disabilities, in the film we see one of them get their arms cut off and the other get his legs crippled due to being tortured with acid.   The characters don't let this stop them, and they train with a Kung Fu master to become skilled martial artists.   The novelty of them coming together to create one unstoppable Kung Fu master is pretty unique.   

  I know DVD versions of this film have been around for years, but you'll definitely want to check out this newly restored version.  In fact, one of the special features is a side by side comparison of the film's original print and the new restored version.   The clean up Film Masters did on this print is pretty amazing!    For fans of crazy cinema, this one is a must see!

  THE CRIPPLED MASTERS is available now for on Newly Restored DVD and Blu-ray from Film Masters, and contains the following Special Features:

*  A new documentary, from Ballyhoo Motion Pictures, Kings of Kung Fu: Releasing the Legends, narrated by author/researcher Chris Poggiali
*  Original raw scan of the film (SD)
*  Before/after examples of restoration
*  Liner notes provided by disability advocate Lawrence Carter-Long
*  Commentary by Will Sloan and Justin Decloux of The Important Cinema Club
*  Compilation of Kung Fu trailers (SD) from Something Weird Video
*  A recut of the original theatrical trailer from restored elements
*  An original raw theatrical trailer
*  Mandarin-language track.

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-Ray


  1. And that ending…😆 I guess it was a good set up for part 1 and part 2…either that or they hit their budget! Ha!

    1. That ending was a little abrupt!

  2. This looks like one of those films that you watch a couple of times, just to make sure you don’t miss anything! Lol

  3. It’s a good one to show anytime you have friends over! Ha!
