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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Blu-ray Review: COCAINE WEREWOLF (2024)


Directed by:  Mark Polonia
Distributed by:  Cleopatra Entertainment / MVD

  If you don't know the name Mark Polonia, then you probably aren't a fan of campy B-movies.   His first directing credit is from 1985 and he shows 88 directing credits to date.  If my math is right, that is over 2 movies a year!  How is that even possible?   Well, take a look at any of his films and you will see how it is possible!   He makes super cheap B (or let's be honest, even C) films on a shoestring budget, and most films look like they could have been made in a matter of days, with minimal sets and very little production value.   Also, he obviously isn't wasting time interviewing and finding the best actors in the area!   Mr. Polonia has brought us such "classics" as SPLATTER FARM, PETER ROTTENTAIL, EMPIRE OF THE APES, SHARKENSTEIN, SHARK ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, SHARKULA, and my personal favorite title, NOAH'S SHARK!    This is just to name a few, check out his IMDb page to see the full list of these amazingly titled films!  

 Now don't get me wrong, it sounds like I might be bashing this man, but he is obviously one of the hardest working people in the horror industry and people must like his movies or he wouldn't keep making them.  While they are not Oscar worthy by any means,  some of them are very fun and entertaining, which is mostly what all of us ask of our horror films. 

  COCAINE WEREWOLF is no different, it was not a "good" movie by any sense of the word, but it kept me entertained and I had fun watching it.   Here is the basic plot synopsis from the MVD website:

In COCAINE WEREWOLF, cocaine, cash and a crew filming a low-budget horror movie in the eerie woods of northern Pennsylvania clash when an unexpected visit from a blood-thirsty werewolf literally enters the picture! A Gothic Industrial Rock soundtrack especially created for the film (courtesy of Cleopatra Records) perfectly sets the mood for one wild and crazy 'howling at the moon' bloody affair!

Cocaine, cash and a crew filming a low-budget horror movie in the eerie woods of northern Pennsylvania clash when an unexpected visit from a blood-thirsty werewolf literally enters the picture

  One thing I would highly suggest, is that you watch this with a group of friends that also like campy horror films.  I watched it by myself, but I feel this would have been a lot of fun watching with some buddies and making jokes along the way.    Having a few drinks of your choice would probably also help as well!  
  If you are looking for something that is actually scary, you'll definitely want to look somewhere else.  This movie does not take itself seriously at all, and there is actually quite a bit of a comedic element to it.  Most of the comedy is intentional for sure, but I'm sure some was not!  I loved the opening scene and appreciated getting to see the Werewolf within the first few minutes and already getting a great kill scene.   The Werewolf swipes at a guys head and of course, his head goes flying off his body.  Who knew it was so easy to loose one's head!  
  The Werewolf costume was pretty cheesy, and looked like something you'd buy at your nearest Spirit Halloween store, but it did it's job for this film.   My main complaint was the amount of CG blood and gore.  Practical effects are so much better, but I guess CG blood is cheaper and requires no mess and clean up.  

  So, COCAINE WEREWOLF wasn't the greatest Werewolf film ever made, but it was fun.  Would I watch it again?  Probably not, but I'm not mad I watched it!  Also, some people love these types of films, and Mr. Polonia has quite a fan following, so this will be right up their alley!  

 COCAINE WEREWOLF is available now on DVD and Blu-ray and contains the following special features:

*  Trailer
*  Slideshow
*  Director's Commentary

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray

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