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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Blu-Ray Review: QUADRANT (2024)


Directed by:  Charles Band
Distributed by:  Full Moon Features

 If you are like me, you grew up on Full Moon movies.  I grew up in the 80's and 90's which was the hayday for Full Moon.    I have a special place in my heart for films such as Puppet Master, Demonic Toys, Subspecies, Arcade, etc.  All those films had a feel good charm to them.   They were scary as a kid, but not too scary.  The effects were fun and the stories were interesting.   I have to admit, I have felt recently that Full Moon had lost that charm.  The movies coming out lately seemed rushed and cheap and there were too many Giantess movies and those awful Barbie & Kendra movies  (sorry Charles!).   For this reason, I wasn't expecting too much from QUADRANT, but man was I wrong!   In fact, when I first saw the cover, I assumed this was an older Full Moon film I had just never heard of somehow that was getting a Blu-ray upgrade.  Come to find out, this is a brand new Full Moon movie and I am happy to report that this has all the charm of those Full Moon films from the 80's and 90's!   

Here is the plot synopsis from the Full Moon Features website:

Developed by scientists Harry and Meg, the "Quadrant" helmet allows your mind to transport you into a world where all your phobias and nightmares are real, while also granting you the strength to defeat them, liberating you from their control forever.

But the Quadrant experiment is about to go horribly wrong. When Erin, a young girl who’s obsessed with Jack the Ripper uses the device to actually BECOME the Ripper, she unleashes a reign of terror, first in her mind in an AI version of old London created by the Quadrant, and then in reality, where she now stalks the contemporary city streets, seeking out victims for her blade.

The only way to stop this savage new Ripper is for an even more vicious killer to enter the artificial Quadrant-verse and bring her down. What ensues is a brutal, bloody battle, murderer against murderer, both in this world and the surreal, dangerous, synthetic world of Quadrant!

  This is the most I have enjoyed a Full Moon film in a long time to be honest.   As I mentioned before, I love the old stuff Full Moon put out, but I haven't been the biggest fan of the newer stuff.  Well, I am happy to say that Full Moon is back to it's original glory!   
  QUADRANT was so enjoyable! It truly felt like one of Full Moon's films from the 80's or 90's, although with much better effects than those films had, of course!   This film was shot in a really cool way, with the scenes that you see while the characters are wearing the AI headset being very dreamlike, and sometimes nightmarish.  Erin's view inside the helmet is in Black & White, except for the blood which is a popping crimson read in contrast to the B&W.   My first thought was that it was like seeing a live action graphic novel.   It reminded me of Sin City in the basic look of it. 


  It was interesting to see Erin's progression as she uses the AI helmet to get into the mind of Jack the Ripper, eventually transforming herself into the 19th century killer.  
  This film has everything you've come to expect from a Full Moon film.  I honestly can't recommend this one enough!  

  QUADRANT is the first entry into Full Moon's new sub-label, PULP NOIR.   These films are to be a bit edgier, darker, and scarier than the rest of the Full Moon library.   I, for one, am very excited about this!   The Pulp Noir collection will consists of 10 new films and there is a Patreon you can subscribe to in order to help support and fund these films.  There are some awesome perks like signed copies of each shooting script, exclusive videos from the set, and even a chance to come hang out on set!  Click the link below to check out the Full Moon/Pulp Noir Patreon. 

QUADRANT is available now on VHS, DVD and BD and contains the following special features:

* Videozone:  Behind the Scenes of Quadrant
* Quadrant Table Read with Actors
* Pulp Noir Announcement Video

CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the VHS, DVD, or BD
CLICK HERE to view the Patreon

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