"The Furfangs" is a sci-fi-horror short-movie with 3D special effects. It tells the story of mysterious and aggressive creatures who came from space. The short lasts five minutes and was realized by only two people: the director Andrea Ricca and the 3D graphic designer Gennaro Acanfora. The work is a zero budget production. It had no external contributions and it made no payments to the sharers. The original score is by Gianfilippo De Mattia. It was realized with the only help of a MiniDV camera and a computer.
This is a very fun film, definitly worth taking a few minutes out of your day to watch. I am impressed at what two people can do to make such a great looking short film!
Click below to watch THE FURFANGS now!
CLICK HERE to go to the official website and watch THE FURFANGS!
CLICK HERE to go to the official website and watch THE FURFANGS!
I just made a post about this film too. I thought it was pretty good! I described the little bastards as crossbreeding between Gremlins and Furbys. Glad to see someone else enjoyed this.
Ha..yeah, I was thinkging they looked like the lovechild of a Furby and a Trebble...or Tribble..whatever those little fur balls from Star Trek were called!