I didn't do a blog post last night because I got a chance to go see PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4. I have enjoyed the all the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY films, but I was a little let down with Part 3 and was hoping this new film would redeem the franchise for me, but unfortunately it was worst than part 3 to me. PA4 had it's moments, including a few jump scares we have all come to love from these films, but when part 4 used a cat jumping in in front of the camera not once, but twice, I knew they had run out of ideas. A cat jumping into a scene is the oldest jump scare in the book, used in countless numbers of horror films. I expect better from the PA franchise.
Oh well. If you have seen the film, let me know what your thoughts on it are. Is it just me, or was this the weakest of the PA films by far. Oh, and don't even get me started on the ending!!!
Thanks for putting an effort to publish this information and for sharing this with us.