Let me start of by saying that I had heard nothing but good things about ZOMBIELAND after it came out. Great reviews and people talking about how awesome it was. I was afraid that people had built it up too much, and I was expecting a little bit of a let down upon finally getting to view the film myself. Well...I wasn't close to being let down! In fact, I don't think people were talking about the film enough!! While it did have its flaws (who turned on and off the roller coaster they rode on??), overall it was a great film. The humor was well mixed with the scares and gore. Yes, I think we have ourselves the newest horror comedy classic. Up till now we have been riding on the greatness that was SHAUN OF THE DEAD, now we can focus on this newest Horror-Comedy epic! Woody Harrelson was the epitome of coolness in this film. I have always liked him as an actor, but now really like him after this role. Also, I think it is old news by now, so I don't think I am spoiling anything here, but the cameo by Bill Murry was great. (And stay through the end of the credits for a few seconds of bonus Murry footage). Anyway, it was a great, fun, crazy, film that won't win any awards, but will definitely take it's place in history as one of the better zombie films.
If you have already seen the film, comment below and let me know what you thought of the film. Have any of you seen it and didn't like it? Let us hear your opinion!
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