Welcome to Hayes Hudson's House of Horror (4H)

Your online source for Horror news, info, and reviews. I cover new and classic Horror, as well as Exploitation and Cult films. I also discuss books, comics, games, toys, clothing, etc, as long as it pertains to the Horror genre. My movie reviews are short and to the point, as I know when I come across a long review, I tend to skip that one. I hope you enjoy your time at my House of Horror! Come on in!

Friday, July 10, 2009

I am producing a new horror film....and you can too!

This is some extremely exciting news. The filmmakers of a new horror/comedy film called SLAYERS: THE UNDEAD VS. THE BRAINDEAD is letting you become a a producer!! You can choose your level of involvement (and payment) and became a Producer, an Associate Producer, or an Executive Producer. You will then be issued a password to get into the Producer's restricted access part of the website. Here, you can look at video of actors reading scenes and trying out for certain parts. After you watch them all, YOU vote on who you thought did the best job and should be in the film. As the movie progresses, you can watch the scenes that have just been shot and if there is anything you don't like or think that should be done, you can post a comment to the filmmakers. This is a very cool concept, fun for us viewers, and an ingenious way to raise the money needed for a low budget horror flick.

Click HERE to view the SLAYERS website, watch the trailer, and then become a producer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Hayes, for the plug. It's great to see people getting as excited about the project as we are!
