Directed by Bruno Mattei (as Vincent Dawn)
Distributed by Intervision Pictures/Severin Films
I am loving these releases that Intervision Picture Corp. has been putting out lately! Their latest releases are Brunto Mattei's ISLAND OF THE LIVING DEAD, and the subject of tonight's review, ZOMBIES: THE BEGINNING. Here is some info about the film from the Intervision website:
For his final film, the late sleaze maestro Bruno Mattei – notorious director of MONDO CANNIBAL, RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR and HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD – delivers his ultimate over-the-top masterpiece: In this insane rip-off of ALIENS, Mattei (aka ‘Vincent Dawn’) packs the screen with shredding flesh, munching guts, exploding heads, undead births, borrowed footage, stolen plots, zombie midgets and more. Yvette Yzon (ISLAND OF THE LIVING DEAD), Alvin Anson (THE GREAT RAID) and Diana Croyston (THE JAIL: THE WOMEN’S HELL) star in this mind-blowing mash-up from the producer of IN THE LAND OF THE CANNIBALS, now presented uncut and uncensored for the first time ever in America!
If you have seen any of Bruno Mattei's films, at least his later films, you know what to expect going into this. The films are dubbed in English and the dubbing is just awful. I don't know how they choose these voice actors to read the parts but some of them have a completely different voice than what it looks like they should have! Also, the dialog is pretty awful, and actually laughable at times. Now don't get me wrong, while there are a lot of things wrong with this film, just like any Bruno Mattei film, it entertains for sure, and that is really all we are asking for as horror fans, isn't it? In fact, some might put this in the "so-bad-it's-good" category.
While the acting and dubbing might not be that great, the movie itself is full of some great gore and zombie carnage, including a midget zombie and a zombie baby popping out of it's mother's stomach! One thing you have to say about Mattei's films is that they are fun, and this one is no exception. This is a fun film that I would highly recommend to fans of B-movies and low budget horror films.
ZOMBIES: THE BEGINNING is available now from Intervision Pictures and contains the following Special Features:
* Zombie Genisys - featurette with screenwriter Anonio Tentori
* Original Trailer
* Widescreen version of the film
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
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