Monday, March 30, 2015
This week's Horror related DVD/Blu-ray releases: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015
Here are this week's horror related DVDs and Blu-rays that come out tomorrow, 3/31:
(Click on a title to watch the trailer)
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Blu-ray Review: MARK OF THE DEVIL

Directed by Michael Armstrong and Adrian Hoven
Distributed by Arrow Films / MVD Visual
I love old horror films from the 70's and 80's. They have such a nostalgic feel to them. MARK OF THE DEVIL is indeed a true classic from the 70's. I had seen this film on DVD just last year for the first time and loved it. I was excited to see it was being released by Arrow Films on Blu-ray here in the U.S.! Watching this film on Blu-ray was like watching a completely different movie! Here is the main plot from the MVD website:
Once proclaimed as "positively the most horrifying film ever made", Mark of the Devil arrives in a director-approved edition featuring a new restoration of the feature. A bloody and brutal critique of religious corruption, Mark of the Devil sees horror icon Udo Kier (Flesh for Frankenstein, Suspiria) play a witchfinder's apprentice whose faith in his master (Herbert Lom) becomes severely tested when they settle in an Austrian village. Presided over by the sadistic Albino (a memorably nasty turn from Reggie Nalder), the film presents its morality not so much in shades of grey as shades of black. Written and directed by Michael Armstrong, who would later pen Eskimo Nell, The Black Panther and House of the Long Shadows, this classic shocker has lost none of its power over the years.
The first thing I noticed about this film is the clarity versus the DVD I had watched before. Some scenes looked as if they were filmed today based on how crystal clear they were. I also noticed quite a few scenes that I had not seen before. I looked on my DVD and noticed it was 96 minutes. This new Arrow Blu-ray clocks in at 108 minutes, so this is definitely the version to go with.
This is great fun film that reminds me a lot of the old Hammer films. The film holds up well and contains a few torture scenes that look very good, especially considering the film was made over 40 years ago! A couple of noteworthy scenes are a couple of women being burned at the stake, and one woman getting her tongue ripped from her mouth! If you think the SAW films were the first with the crazy torture contraptions, think again!
I highly recommend MARK OF THE DEVIL. This is a must see for horror fans and this is the definitive version of the film to get.
MARK OF THE DEVIL is available now on Arrow Blu-ray and contains the following special features:
* High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentation of the feature, transferred from original film elements
* Optional English and German audio
* Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
* Newly translated English subtitles for the German audio
* Audio commentary by Michael Armstrong, moderated by Calum Waddell
* Mark of the Times - exclusive feature-length documentary from High Rising Productions on the emergence of the 'new wave' of British horror directors that surfaced during the sixties and seventies
* Hallmark of the Devil - author and critic Michael Gingold looks back at Hallmark Releasing, the controversial and confrontational distributor that introduced Mark of the Devil to American cinemas
* Interviews with composer Michael Holm and actors Udo Kier, Herbert Fux, Gaby Fuchs, Ingeborg Schoner and Herbert Lom
* Mark of the Devil: Now and Then - a look at the film's locations and how they appear today
* Outtakes
* Gallery
* Reversible Sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Graham Humphreys
* Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by Adrian Smith and Anthony Nield, plus an interview with Reggie Nalder by David Del Valle, all illustrated with original stills and artwork
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray
Arrow Films,
MVD Entertainment,
udo kier,
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Directed by Alex Orr
Distributed by Horizon Movies / Kino Lorber
I have to admit I had never heard of BLOOD CAR when it arrived on my doorstep for review. It had a pretty ridiculous story and looked to be very low budget, so needless to say I was not expecting much going into this film. Fortunately, my first feelings about this film were proven to be 100% wrong after viewing this film. This film was a blast and one of the better horror/comedy films to be released in years! Here is the basic plot synopsis from the film's press release:
In the all-too-forseeable future, gas prices approach $40 a gallon, causing some Americans to abandon their vehicles and others to seek alternate sources of fuel. When a mild-mannered schoolteacher (Mike Brune) invents an experimental engine that thrives on blood, he attracts the attention of two women who vie for his affection: Denise (Katie Rowlett), the proprietress of a butcher stand, and Lorraine (My Girl's Anna Chlumsky) who runs a rival veggie stand in a grim urban landscape. But Archie's need for speed soon surpasses his body's ability to regenerate fluids, so he takes desperate measures to satisfy the Blood Car's thirst.
First and foremost, this movie was just flat out FUN! This is a truly entertaining movie. It had buckets of gore, but at the same time, gallons of laughter! The acting was very good, and it was a lot of fun to see Anna Chlumsky on screen again. I know she has done a lot of acting, but I had not seen here since MY GIRL back in 1991! The main character played by Mike Brune was very likeable and played the role of Archie perfectly. It was fun to watch him go from a guy that cried when he killed a squirrel to someone that didn't think twice about throwing a man (or woman) into the trunk of his car for "fuel"
I really hope more people start talking about this film and checking it out. I think it is an instant cult classic from director Alex Orr.
I highly recommend BLOOD CAR to all fans of the horror-comedy genre. The DVD is available now from Kino Lorber. It contains the following special features:
* Theatrical Trailer
* The Adventure (short film)
* The $100 Short Short (short film)
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
Alex Orr,
Anna Chlumsky,
Blood Car,
Horizon Movies,
Kino Lorber
Monday, March 23, 2015
This week's Horror related DVD/Blu-ray releases: Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

Here are this week's horror related DVDs and Blu-rays that come out tomorrow, 3/24:
(Click on a title to watch the trailer)
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Written by Walter Ruether and Paul C. Hemmes
Directed by Walter Ruether (Scarlet Fry)
As I have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of horror anthologies. I like them so much because they play well to my short attention span! The latest anthology I watched is called SCREAM MACHINE, from Walter Ruether, aka. Scarlet Fry. You might know that name from his past films that I have reviewed like NIGHTMARE ALLEY, SCARLET FRY'S JUNKFOOD HORRORFEST, and DEATH BY VHS.
This latest film brings us 5 new tales of terror:
1. "SLEDGEHAMMER" - a tale about a baseball pitcher with a truly killer fastball!
2. "CANNIBAL PEN PALS" - a creepy tale about a man infatuated with Jeffery Dahmer, vowing to carry on his traditions after learning of Dahmer's death.
3. "APRIL FOOL'S PARTY" - a group of friends decide to play a joke on their druggie friend, only the joke goes too far!
4. "SEPTIC SHOCK" - an unhappy wife has a plan to get rid of her husband by burying him alive in the septic tank!
5. "THE DEADLY INDI DRIVE-IN" shows a crazy lady who hears voices in her head, and from the movie screen telling her to kill the man she is there with.
As I have mentioned in past reviews of Scarlet Fry's films, you have to go into them realizing that they are very low budget. I was kind of disappointed that I haven't seen much quality improvement over the years in his films, but then at the same time, I think that is what gives them their unique quality. The film feels like you are watching an old VHS tape of gritty horror tales. Mr. Ruether works very hard on his films, writing, directing, producing, and even starring in them! You can tell this film was made by a fan of the horror genre. I really appreciate Mr. Ruether sticking with practical effects as well, that always makes a movie so much better in my opinion than going the cheaper route with CGI.
SCREAM MACHINE will not be for everyone, but if you love low budget, campy, B-grade, Troma type movies, I think you will agree that SCREAM MACHINE is bloody good time!
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official Facebook page for news and updates
Friday, March 20, 2015
Blu-ray Review: MUCK (2015)

Written & Directed by Steve Wolsh
Distributed by Anchor Bay Entertainment
Wow! That is all I can say after watching the film MUCK. I had heard nothing about this film going into it, so I had no clue what to expect. This film blew me away and had me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning. Here is the basic plot from the Anchor Bay website:
This throwback horror film just raised the hacked-up bar: Horror legend Kane Hodder andPlayboy Playmate of the Year 2012 Jaclyn Swedberg star in this scary, sexy, indie shocker that joins a group of friends just as they emerge from the thick, murky darkness of the marshes tattered, bloody, and lucky to be alive. But they will soon find out that the lucky ones are already dead. Muck is packed with old-school gore effects and brutal stunts, without any CGI or apologies. Lachlan Buchanan (“Pretty Little Liars”) co-stars in writer/director Steve Wolsh’s searing directorial debut that unfolds like a blood-stained love letter to horror fanatics everywhere!
I am going to go on record that MUCK is one of the best horror films in that last 10 years. I honestly can't remember when I enjoyed a movie this much. I have nothing but good things to say about this one. What really amazes me is that this is the directorial debut of Steve Wolsh. Mr. Wolsh has set the bar extremely high for his next films!
The acting in this movie is superb. There is not a single bad actor in the entire film, which is pretty rare to find these days. Most everyone in this film were actors I had never seen nor heard of before (other thane Kane Hodder, of course, that actually had a very small role). I think we will be seeing a lot more of everyone involved in this film.
Another great thing about this film were the effects. Everything was practical effects, no CGI at all which is the way all horror movies should be in my opinion!
Also, as dark, scary, and gory as this film also contains tons of humor. Lots of tongue-in-cheek humor and horror movie clichés. A lot of times when you try to mix real horror with humor, you don't get good results. With this film, though, the filmmakers created a perfect blend of humor and horror. The movie has a SCREAM like vibe to it with all the horror movie references and clichés, but on a much darker level. Think SCREAM if it was actually scary and a real horror film more than the comedy than it is.
I highly recommend MUCK to all horror fans. This is one that you need to stop what you're doing and go get your hands on a copy of this immediately. MUCK is available now on DVD and Blu-ray from Anchor Bay Entertainment.
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray
Anchor Bay,
Jaclyn Swedberg,
Kane Hodder,
Special Effects,
Steve Wolsh
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Directed by James Sizemore
Distributed by Cinedigm and Tribeca Film
I am a huge fan of practical effects, especially when it comes to blood and gore. Unfortunately, we don't see as much of that these days with the ease and affordability the CG effects allow. THE DEMON'S ROOK is good news for those of us who love our practical effects. Here is the basic plot of the film from the film's page:
A young boy named Roscoe finds a portal to another world where he is taught magic by an elder demon known as Dimwos. Dimwos raises the boy into manhood, revealing to him many secrets.
I was a huge fan of THE DEMON'S ROOK. This movie really took me back to the 1980's splatter films. It reminded me of a film I would have watched after riding my bike down to the local movie store and picked out a horror movie I knew nothing about, but loved the cover. I found some great gory horror films this way, and THE DEMON'S ROOK is a great ode to those films.
Most movies this day rely on heavy computer effects, which to me is not the way a horror film should be made. Director James Sizemore wrote and starred in this film, and he obviously knows how a horror movie should be made.
Most of the acting in this film is great, with a few exceptions as you will find with most low budget horror films. The film is shot very well with crisp colors and some nice angles. The real star of this show, though, is the effects. Along with this is the makeup and costumes. The make up and costume people did an amazing jog on this film and should be extremely proud of the end result.
THE DEMON'S ROOK is available now on DVD and contains the following special features:
* "GOAT WITCH" - a short film by James Sizemore
* Making of a Demon
* Filmmaker Commentary
* Deleted Scenes
* Gag Reel
I must add that the short film, GOAT WITCH, which is found in the bonus features is a must see. This is a very creepy film shot with little dialog, relying heavily on costumes, effects, and make up. Just like in THE DEMON'S ROOK, the make up and effects were done extremely well.
I highly recommend THE DEMON'S ROOK to all you horror fans. They don't make films like this one much anymore, so when they do, definitely give it a watch and support it. I look forward to future films from Mr. Sizemore!
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official website
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
James Sizemore,
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Directed by Laurence Holloway, Richard Stoudt
As I have stated in posts before, I am a huge fan of anthology movies. The CREEPSHOW films are probably my favorites of all time, but there are tons of good ones out there. The recently released ABC's OF DEATH and V/H/S films have made the anthology film popular again. While these are big budget type of anthology films, I have also seen and appreciate some of the lower budget ones that have come out over the past few years, including Scarlet Fry's JUNKFOOD HORRORFEST and NIGHTMARE ALLEY. VOICES FROM THE GRAVE is similar to those last couple of films, as it is a very low budget anthology film, but it shows you that you don't need a huge budget to make an entertaining film.
VOICES FROM THE GRAVE is comprised of 3 different tales. Here is a description of the film from the movies official website:
This Anthology film deals with deadly spirits, back from the grave with vengeance in mind. Myles Brandt is a Horror fiction fan that wanders into a mysterious bookstore in search of something different. He finds a book and in the corner of this bookstore begins to read three tales of supernatural horror.
From Filmmakers Richard Stoudt and Laurence C. Holloway comes a terrifying film experience called “Voices from the Grave”. Three tales of terror, including one story adapted from the work of master horror writer Gary Brandner author of “The Howling”, to make your flesh creep and your heart race!
“Invitation” based on a short story by Gary Brandner, tells the creepy tale of Len Krager, a life loser who attends a party he’ll never forget!
“All Hallows’ Eve” is an exercise in suspense and atmosphere set on an eventful Halloween night. Robert Mundy is bitter since the accidental death of his brother, who returns as a vengeful ghost, seeking retribution.
In the turbo-charged yarn “Re-Possessed”, we find young Jeff purchasing a killer car for a killer deal…not knowing the car wants his body and soul!
A true exercise in style and terror, ‘Voices from the Grave’ will thrill any horror fan.
Very seldom with a horror anthology such as this do you get all the stories to be real winners. There seems to always be at least one story that is not on par with the others. For me, that story was the “Invitation” segment. This was the middle story and I found it to be rather slow and just not much substance to it. But, the segment before and after this one made up for it for sure! And remember, this is obviously just my opinion, as someone else might find “Invitation” to be their favorite segment. It just did not do anything for me, personally.
My favorite was probably the first segment called “All Hallows’ Eve”. This was a creepy story about a boy who was killed in a drunk driving accident after a Halloween party. He then returns the next Halloween to seek revenge on those that let him die. I have always been a big fan of these "Monkey's Paw" type of stories. “Re-Possessed” was my other favorite, as I have always been a big fan of possessed car films for some reason. You wouldn't think there would be that many films about possessed vehicles, but there really are! This is a nice addition to possessed car films.
VOICES FROM THE GRAVE is a must-see for fans of low budget horror. The film is currently seeking distribution, so hopefully a DVD will be available soon!
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official website
Friday, March 13, 2015
Happy Friday the 13th!!
I hope everyone is having a great Friday the 13th!! I honor of this great day, I wanted to share with you some videos I've seen lately of some great Jason Voorhees pranks! These are hilarious, but I would think would be pretty dangerous to pull off these days with so many people carrying guns around! Seems like a good way to get yourself shot, but thankfully, no one in these videos was hurt. So enjoy!
CLICK HERE to watch a montage of Jason pranks
CLICK HERE to watch Jason with a chainsaw prank
CLICK HERE to watch the Jason in the lake prank
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Check out the trailer for the new Eli Roth produced film, CLOWN

The film is about a cursed clown suit, that once worn, begins to actually become part of that person. Check out the trailer and let me know what you think!
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer.
creepy clowns,
Eli Roth,
Jon Watts,
killer clowns
Monday, March 9, 2015
This week's Horror related DVD/Blu-ray releases: Tuesday, March 10th, 2015
Here are this week's horror related DVDs and Blu-rays that come out tomorrow, 3/10:
(Click on a title to watch the trailer)
* DARK HAUL [DVD & Blu-ray]
* DOG SOLDIERS [Blu-ray]
* R100 [DVD & Blu-ray]
* WOLF COP [DVD & Blu-ray]
Friday, March 6, 2015
Blu-ray Review: NEKROMANTIK 2 (1991)

Directed by Jörg Buttgereit
Distributed by Cult Epics / CAV Distributing
A little while back I had the privilege of reviewing Cult Epics release of the 1988 film, NEKROMANTIK. Now I am proud to present my review of the film's sequel, NEKROMANTIK 2. This film has also been released by Cult Epics in a limited edition DVD and Blu-ray! Here is the basic plot of the film from the film's page:
From director Jorg Buttgereit comes Nekromantik 2, the gore horror sequel to his 1987 classic Nekromantik. Monika (Monika M.) is a beautiful necrophiliac who lives alone in Berlin. By day she works as a nurse. By night she prowls through cemeteries while searching for fresh corpses. When she reads about the suicide of Rob (Nekromantik's Daktari Lorenz) she finds his grave to dig up his body and brings it home. Mark (Mark Reeder) lives across town and makes his living dubbing sex films. After meeting Monika, romance blossoms and they fall in love. But all is not well in Monika's world. Her relationship with Mark begins to falter and she has to make a final choice between loving the living or the dead.
Very seldom does a sequel outshine the original, but such is the case here with NEKROMANTIK 2. While the original was a good film, you can see vast improvements in all aspects with this 2nd installment. I assume the budget was much larger for this 2nd film, as the production quality seems much improved.
One thing that really stood out in this film was the cinematography and some of the very unique camera angles and shots. This film has a very artistic feel to it, which is very strange considering the unique subject matter. Gorehounds will be very satisfied as well, as there are some very gruesome images, and some very slimy, nasty looking corpses on display!
This is shock cinema at it's finest, and fans of shocking, taboo cinema definitely need to check this one out if you haven't seen it. The new transfer from Cult Epics is wonderful. While this film won't be for everyone, it's an important part of film history for sure. NEKROMANTIK 2 is available now on limited edition DVD and Blu-ray and contains the following special features:
* New Director's Approved HD transfer (taken from the original 16mm negative)
* New Introduction by Jorg Buttgereit (2014)
* Audio Commentary by Jorg Buttgereit, co-author Franz Rodenkirchen, and actors Monika M. and * Mark Reeder
* The Making of Nekromantik 2
* Still Photo Gallery
* JB Trailers
* Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
* Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2011) Live
* 20th Anniversary Live Concert performed by Monika M. and Friends - Video (2011)
* A Moment of Silence At the Grave of Ed Gein, Short film by Jorg Buttgereit (2012)
* Half Girl Lemmy, I'm A Feminist, Music video by Jorg Buttgereit (2014)
* LIMITED EDITION 5000 (BD) Copies / 2000 (DVD) Copies
* Includes Nekromantik 2 Collectible Artwork by Johnny Ryan & Nekrophilia photo of Monika M.
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer (**WARNING - Not Safe For Work**)
CLICK HERE to purchase the film
cult epics,
Jörg Buttgereit,
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Check out the trailer for DEAD RISING: WATCHTOWER
I finally watched the trailer for the new DEAD RISING movie, called DEAD RISING: WATCHTOWER. This is the movie based off the hit video game of the same name. I knew there was a film coming out based on the game, but I was assuming it would be a normal theatrical movie or a straight to DVD film. As it turns out, the film is a CRACKLE original film and will begin streaming on starting March 27!
The movie looks like it is going to be a lot of fun with some great zombie killing action mixed with some humor. Check out the trailer and let me know what you think!
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
Rob Riggle,
Monday, March 2, 2015
This week's Horror related DVD/Blu-ray releases: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015
Here are this week's horror related DVDs and Blu-rays that come out tomorrow, 3/3:
(Click on a title to watch the trailer)
* INNOCENCE [DVD & Blu-ray]
* JAWS - 3 movie collection
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