When I saw the first trailer for ZOMBIELAND, I thought it looked good...but after seeing this new trailer that was just released today, I think this movie looks GREAT! Actually, more than great....it looks freaking awesome! Looks like a good mix of horror and some comedy, and it looks like they didn't skimp on the gore! Woody Harrelson looks like he is going to be awesome in this flick...might rank as my new favorite performance of his (right now that honor is bestowed upon his performance as Mickey Knox from NATURAL BORN KILLERS). So stop listening to me and go watch this trailer! I can't wait for this film to come out! It is scheduled to be released in theaters October 9th! Until then, just watch this trailer over and over like I have been doing!
Click HERE to watch the trailer NOW!!!!
I LOVE IT! If the movie is half as good as the trailer makes it look, we'll have a new "classical" entry into the Zombie-films Hall of Fame!