If you are not familiar with this show, this would be a great way to get introduced to it. Pick up the 3 Disc Special Edition and watch all the episodes back to back, commercial free! While the show itself is the main draw here, the best part about this set is the awesome special features. Brand new bonus features on this set include the following:
* Pilot Episode: The Black & White Version
* Audio Commentaries On All 6 Episodes
* Bring Out The Dead: KNB And The Art Of Making Zombies
* Digital Decay: The VFX Of THE WALKING DEAD
* No More Room In Hell: The Walking Dead Phenomenon
* Adapting The Dead
* Killer Conversations: Frank Darabont & Greg Nicotero
These special features take you further into the show and are a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed the "Bring Out The Dead" feature. I love zombie make up and this show has some of the best ever put on film or TV. The effects are very well done and it is a lot of fun to see how the make up artist bring these zombies to life...er, so to speak.
I also loved the "We Are The Walking Dead" which chronicles the daily shooting of the show and includes some great behind the scenes stuff and some wonderful zombie audition footage...it is funny seeing an entire room of people there to audition try to walk around like zombies in order to land a role on the show. This is stuff you normally don't get to see with shows and it is really fun to watch.
All the special features from the first DVD and Blu-ray release are on this new set as well as the new ones mentioned above. I would do yourself a favor and pick up this new set, even if you have the older DVD set. These new special features are worth the prince of the set alone!
CLICK HERE to watch a trailer for the show
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the 3 Disc Special Edition Blu-ray
CLICK HERE to purchase the 3 Disc Special Edition DVD
CLICK HERE to visit the show's official AMC website
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