Written & Directed by Kerry Beyer
Produced by Kerosene Films
It's hard to believe it's been 5 years since I reviewed a film from director Kerry Beyer. That film was called SPIRIT CAMP and was one of the best independent horror films I have seen in a long time. You can read my review of SPIRIT CAMP here. I mentioned in that review that I looked forward to seeing future projects from this amazing filmmaker. Well, here we are 5 years later and Kerry Beyer's newest film, KILLING MR. RIGHT, is now available for our viewing pleasure! Needless to say, Beyer does not disappoint in his latest film. This film is more of a crime/revenge flick than true horror film, but horror fans will be glad to know that this film is still full of carnage and gore! Before I go any further, here is the basic plot of the film from the Kerosene Films website:
Convinced her roommate’s new fiancé is the man who abducted and raped her, a young law student, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, takes justice into her own hands as she exacts revenge… but does she have the right man? Elizabeth Jackson and Kerry Beyer star in this disturbing revenge thriller that pushes the limits of sadism, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase “cruel and unusual punishment.”
KILLING MR. RIGHT is an excellent film that will entertain you on many levels. The film is a great crime/revenge flick, but as stated above, the film delivers in terms of blood and gore as well, including guy getting disemboweled and a woman getting her eyeball plucked out of her head with a meat hook! Yuck! I won't say anymore, as I don't want to give too much away, but this is a film you will definitely want to check out. The film has some laugh out loud dialog as well, to lighten the mood a bit on what is otherwise a very dark, serious film. The acting is very good as well, with every member of the cast turning in a great performance.
The press release says that KILLING MR. RIGHT is "a psychological horror film reminiscent of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE meets AMERICAN PSYCHO". This is a very good comparison and if you are a fan of those films, I think you will definitely enjoy this film. KILLING MR. RIGHT is available now through various platforms including DVD and VOD. The DVD contains the following special features:
* Director Commentary
* Behind the Scenes
* Special FX Makeup Tutorial
* Lord Von Black Music Video
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to watch on Vimeo On Demand
CLICK HERE to download the film from iTunes.com
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. See the link below for more info.