I just ran across the trailer for TUCKER & DALE VS EVIL on
Firstshowing.net and it looks hilarious! It is the story of two hillbillies that are accused of being killers by a group of college kids camping near the duo's cabin. The hillbillies are totally harmless, but this group of kids have watched too many horror flicks and just assume they are crazed killers. So, while trying to stop the "killers", they end up dying very gruesome deaths that always looks like it's at the fault of the hillbillies, just adding fuel to the fire. This is a great concept and something I don't think I have seen before. It looks like we are in for some good laughs and some good gore based on the trailer. The film is directed by
Eli Craig and will premiere at the 2010Sundance Film Festival this month, where it is sure to pick up a U.S. distributor I'm sure! Hopefully we will be seeing this film in the theaters (or on DVD) very soon!
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer for TUCKER & DALE VS EVIL
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