For fans of torture horror such as the HOSTEL and the SAW films, check out this trailer for the movie PSYCHO WARD. Here is the basic plot from imdb.com:
While on a research outing, a group of urban explorers get more than they bargained for when the visit the site of an abandoned mental hospital and discover it's hiding a terrifying secret. Trapped in this giant prison, they start to disappear one by one. Their only chance to escape... to put together seemingly random clues, avoid a killer, and use their unique skills to survive.
This looks like it could have some good scares in it, but also looks like it could just be a retread of a lot of the torture horror films we have seen before. Has anyone seen this film? If so, what did you think of it? Is it worth a viewing?
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer for PSYCHO WARD
CLICK HERE to go to the official PSYCHO WARD website
I saw this last week and it starts out well enough, but ends really crappily, I will have a review of tis up on my blog in about a week if you want to check it out.