by Mark Salisbury
Published by Titan Books
If you have not seen PROMETHEUS in theaters yet, I suggest you do so asap! It was one of the most enjoyable films I have seen in a long time and has found it's place as one of my favorite Sci-fi films of all time! I am not the biggest Sci-fi fan (you all know my favorite genre), but I thought this film was amazing.
Like the film, PROMETHEUS: THE ART OF THE FILM by Mark Salisbury is also amazing. The book is published by Titan Books, who are known for producing some of the best movie tie in books around, and after one look at this book, I have no doubt you will agree.
Here is a brief description of the book from the book's press release:
As the only book to directly tie in to the film, this lavish title serves as an exclusive guide to the never-before-seen content, including newly revealed production art, exclusive interviews, extraordinary behind-the-scenes material and an introduction by legendary director Ridley Scott.
PROMETHEUS: THE ART OF THE FILM is a beautiful hardback book containing 192 pages and too-many-to-count color photos. This is a true "coffee table" book, with dimensions of 11 3/4in x 9in. This is one book you will definitely want to show off.
A written review of this film is probably unfair to the book. Words can not describe how good this book looks. The pictures are amazing and every aspect of the film is represented in beautiful full color pictures. The book is broken down into chapters that describe all the stunning props, sets, and creatures of the film. Along with all the beautiful color photos, there is a remarkable set of black and white photos documenting the disintegration of the Engineer from the opening scene of the film. The opening of the film is brilliant and it is neat seeing it broken down in pictures.
While the main spaceship, The Prometheus, gets a lot of attention in the book, all the smaller vehicles are described in text and in photos as well. We also get great descriptions of all the costumes and space suits and even a great look inside the pyramid including one of my personal faves, some photos depicting the construction of the giant Engineer head statue.
As mentioned in the book's description above, along with all the great photos is a lot of production art. This include some paintings, but mainly lots of drawings and sketches about how something is supposed to look. It is very interesting to see what the set designers drew and how the actual finished product looks.
This is in my opinion, one of the greatest movie tie in books off all time. It is a must have for fans of this film, and if you weren't sure if you wanted to see the film or not, I bet you will definitely want to see it after looking through these gorgeous photos and all the great info from the film.
PROMETHEUS: THE ART OF THE FILM is available now from Titan Books!
CLICK HERE to purchase the book
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