It is finally here! Yesterday, the first trailer for the remake of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET was put online. Check it out..it looks awesome! Freddy's voice is really creepy to me in this trailer. The remake is due in theaters April 30th, 2010 and stars
Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger. For those that aren't familiar with the original films (shame on you!), A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET was about a man named Freddy Krueger who was caught molesting the neighborhood kids. The parents took the law in their own hands and tracked Freddy downed and burned him alive in the boiler room where he worked. Now, years later, Freddy has come back to kill the kids of the parents who burned him. He does this through the kids dreams, so they have to force themselves to stay awake or die tragic deaths in their sleep. One two...Freddy's comming for you....
HERE to go watch the trailer courtesty of Firstshowing.net!
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