Written & Directed by: Matt Jespersen & Maclain Nelson
Distributed by Level 33 Entertainment
It seems like there are tons of Vampire movies that have come out the last few years. I guess we have the TWILIGHT films to thank for that. While I have never been a huge fan of Vampire movies, they are starting to grow on me, and VAMP U is one that I loved from the very beginning. This is not your straight forward horror film, this is a hilarious horror /comedy, although this is much more of a comedy film than a horror film. I am a huge fan of comedy as well as horror, so I have always enjoyed the horror/comedy sub-genre. While there are a few horror/comedy films that work (SCARY MOVIE 1 & 2 for example), most of them are awful (every other SCARY MOVIE since 1 & 2). VAMP U gets it right....a horror comedy that is actually funny. And I mean laugh out loud funny at some parts. Before I go any further, here is the plot synopsis from the Level 33 Entertainment press release:
Wayne Gretzky (Adam Johnson) is a vampire with fangs that won’t grow. His “impotence” began when he inadvertently killed Mary, the love of his life, 300 years ago. To take his mind off the pain, he teaches college history – who better than a guy who’s been around for centuries? Attempting to regain his full vampire powers, he enlists help from his friend and colleague, Dr. Levine (Gary Cole). But nothing works…that is until a new semester brings freshman Chris Keller (Julie Gonzalo) – a dead ringer for his beloved Mary. They begin to have an affair, which quickly goes south when he accidentally turns Chris into a vampire. Now, as she leaves a bloody trail of destruction across campus – converting a sorority house full of co-eds including the irresistible Samantha (Alexis Knapp) to her vampire legion – Wayne is faced with the task of stopping her before they kill the entire student body!
Now I have to be honest here, I was not able to watch the entire film. I was watching an online screener for the film on my iPad and for some reason it locked up after about 50 minutes. I tried to reload it but then it kept saying "unknown film format" or something like that. This is one of the many reasons I don't care for online screeners, but this movie looked so good I thought I would give it a shot. Oh well, so technically I am only reviewing the first 50 minutes of this film (runtime shows to be 100 minutes), but I have feeling that as much as I liked the first 50 minutes, I would have enjoyed the last 50 minutes as well. In fact, I am dying to see how this film ends, so I will be looking to purchase the DVD soon. I would have been buying this one anyway, as this is a film I will want to watch again for sure.
The movie looks very good from a technical aspect. The acting is especially good for this kind of film. Gary Cole (you probably know him as Lumbergh, from OFFICE SPACE) is great as always, as is Adam Johnson, who plays the main character, Wayne Gretsky. The chemistry between these two actors is perfect. As I mentioned above, the comedy is hilarious throughout the film. The film kept me entertained the entire time with no slow spots to speak of. I can't wait to finish this film. From what I have seen so far, this is a must watch and I highly recommend it!
VAMP U is available now on VOD & Digital and on DVD next Tuesday, 3/12/13! Also, if you are lucky enough to be attending the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, TX this month, there will be a one night showing of VAMP U at the famous Alamo Drafthouse Theater on March 14th at 10:00pm! The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the cast and crew! You can get your tickets now by visiting www.tugg.com.
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official website
CLICK HERE to visit the film's facebook page
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