I recently received a press release about a new Bigfoot film called, STOMPING GROUND. I am a huge fan of the Bigfoot folklore and love films dealing with this subject. So, I am always excited when I hear of a new film coming out based on this topic. This film is from director Dan Riesser who directed the fun short film NIGHT OF THE PUNKS, which I reviewed back in October, 2012. You can see that review here. That was a great short film, so I really look forward to this feature film debut from Mr. Riesser! Here is the basic plot of the film from the press release:
Stomping Ground can best be described as a “scary relationship comedy about love and Bigfoot hunting.” It tells the story of Ben and Annie, a couple living in Chicago, on a weekend trip to Annie's small North Carolina hometown. At the local bar they run into Paul, an old friend of Annie's, and Ben learns something he never knew about his girlfriend: She believes in Bigfoot. In fact, she and her friends used to "hunt" for the creature when they were kids. Before Ben knows it, he's off on an impromptu Squatchin' trip deep in the Carolina backwoods. Amidst the Squatch calls, campfire stories and beers, Ben quickly realizes that Paul may have an ulterior motive in bringing Annie to the woods. And something else out here seems to be after her as well. Everyone but Ben thinks its Bigfoot. But it can't be, can it? After all, Bigfoot isn't real...
The film is in post production now. If you want to help support the film, you can make a Paypal donation over on the film's official website. Also, for the latest news about the film, follow STOMPING GROUND on facebook and Twitter using the links below. Look for the film sometime in 2014!
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official website
CLICK HERE to visit the film's official facebook page
CLICK HERE to follow the film's Twitter page
CLICK HERE to visit the official website of director Dan Riesser
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