Directed by John V. Knowles
Distributed by Grand Entertainment Group
I knew nothing about this movie going into it. When it arrived for review, the first thing I assumed was that it was a cheesy horror/comedy vampire film, turns out it is a smart, funny take of the legend of Elizabeth Bathory. the 16th Century countess who has been labeled the most prolific female serial killer of all time. CHASTITY BITES brings the legend to modern times at a local high school. Here is the plot from the film's official website:
Notorious serial killer Elizabeth Bathory believed that bathing in virgin blood would keep her young and beautiful forever. Still alive today she’s found a perfect hunting ground for her “botox” as an abstinence educator in conservative America…but will a brave young blogger and reporter for the high school paper finally put an end to the “Blood Countess’s” reign of terror, and save her best friend from becoming the next victim?
This was a very fun movie, and I found myself enjoying this one much more than I expected. It's a perfect mixture of a high school comedy like MEAN GIRLS or CLUELESS mixed with a horror film. The acting in the movie is excellent from all involved, but especially from the main two girls, played by Allison Scagliotti and Francia Raisa. The movie is paced well with no real slow parts, and the film is written well with some great dialog. Horror fans will enjoy the gore in this one, as new abstinence instructor "Liz Batho" slits the throats of young virgins to drain them of their blood which she uses to keep her young.
This isn't a hard core horror film by any means, even those that aren't big into horror will enjoy this movie I think.
CHASTITY BITES is available now on DVD and contains the following special features:
* Official Trailer
* Behind the Scenes Featurette
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD

It does sound fun, I probably would have passed it over before reading this.