Written & Directed by Rene Daalder
Distributed by Cult Epics
I had never heard of this film when it arrived in my mailbox for review. There are a lot of horror films I haven't seen, but usually I have at least heard of them. Especially those that have been around a while. HYSTERIA was made in 1997, but has just been released as an unrated director's cut from the great folks at Cult Epics. Here is the basic plot of HYSTERIA from the film's imdb page:
The inmates of an insane asylum are subjected to experiments using collective consciousness and surgically implanted chips in an attempt to create perfect citizens.
This film is true psychological horror at it's best. What a crazy, messed up movie this is! The film was made in 1997, but was shot to look more like an old grindhouse film from the 1970's. But you don't have to get too far into the film to realize this is not a simple grindhouse film, but a very smart, sophisticated foray into many topics involving the human mind, including greed, power, individualism, etc.
The acting in this film is great. The actors portraying the patients in the mental hospital do a remarkable job. I would easily believe it if I was told they used actual mental patients to film this movie. Obviously they didn't, but the actors gave that good of a performance.
The main plot revolves around a mad doctor that is implanting the patients with some kind of microchip that basically lets them all be on the same brain wavelengths. It lets them feel what all the others are feeling, both emotionally and physically. This is a very crazy scenario and makes for some very creepy scenes involving the patients.
I would highly recommend HYSTERIA, but don't go into it thinking it is a pure horror film. There is no blood in the film, and only a few scenes of violence. Most of the film is a suspense/terror film that just messes with your mind, but I would definitely check this out if you get the chance.
HYSTERIA is available now from Cult Epics and contains the following Special Features:
* New HD Transfer
* The Making of Hysteria
* Original Theatrical Trailer
CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD
CLICK HERE to purchase the Blu-ray

Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.