Written by: J.D. McGhoul/Pat Kilbane
Published by Mythodrome, Inc.
Just like THE Bible helps us regular humans by giving us instructions on how to live our lives, THE BRAIN EATER'S BIBLE does exactly the same, but for those of the un-dead variety. Yes, if you are a zombie, newly turned or almost completely rotted away, you need to make sure you have a copy of this book and study it daily.
I have read a lot of zombie manuals, but most are written for us humans about how to defend ourselves against the zombies once the zombie apocalypse occurs. This book is exactly opposite, this is a humorous book written for the zombies, to help them go about their "lives" and defend themselves from us.
The book covers a variety of topics including, in the early parts of the book, some general information on what to expect physically, now that you have turned into a zombie. This section is called "Know Your Body" and is a great reference to let you know about all the changes your body will be going through. From there, the book moves on to tell you how to survive as a zombie, including how to hunt for brains. A good example on the detailed info in this book is a section about hunting for brains. The book talks about "pack hunting" and while you normally would think that would be a no-brainer (pun intended), here we get a list of not just the pros of pack hunting, but also the cons. You know in a pack there are strength in numbers, but then at the same time, when a pack attacks somebody, you have far less food per zombie! Also, it's hard to sneak up on your prey if you are in a giant mob, so you sacrifice the stealth factor. I had never really thought about these things, but it makes perfect sense.
The book also has an extensive chapter on weaponry that humans will use against you, including info on all sorts of firearms, to the more common hand-held items and blunt objects. If you are a zombie, you can not afford to not have this info.
One impressive thing about this book is the pictures. The team behind this book actually used real makeup effects and created exclusive zombies to use in the pictures throughout this book. Most books like this are just illustrated, but here you get to see real pics of zombies, which is a really neat and unique, and really sets this book apart from other similar resources.
This book is a must have for sure, but for those of you with an iPad, there is also a cool companion app for you to download which includes the following:
· The 160-page full-color e-book
· 18 videos from zombie author J.D. McGhoul, giving tips on everything from self-esteem to self-defense.
· An interactive 3D model of the skull, showing where to best access the brain.
· Hundreds of zoomable and interactive photos illustrating zombie science, psychology and survival techniques.
· Scrollable zombie martial arts sequences.
· Animated schematics showing how to ambush human prey.
· McGhoul’s “notebook entries” with bonus commentary for almost every page of the book.
· Animations of the zombie virus attacking human cells
The app is only $4.99 (or you can get the light, sampler version for FREE to try it out).
The app and the book are must haves for any horror fan! The Hardcover book is currently selling for only $15.01 from Amazon! DO NOT pass this one up. This is book everybody needs to have in their reference library. Even if you are not a zombie now, you will be someday. There is no time like the present to read up and prepare yourself for that day.
CLICK HERE to purchase the Hardcover book
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