-------------Review by contributing writer Scott Baker------------------
Written and Directed by: Dom Rotheroe
Distributed by: Indiepix Films
EXHIBIT A is one of THE BEST “found footage” thrillers I’ve ever seen. A bold statement to make, but certainly one that can be backed up. This film lures you in from the beginning with the promise of happy scenes and sunny days, then brutally slays those promises in one swift stroke at the end.
If you’re not familiar with EXHIBIT A, here is the basic plot from the Indiepix Films website:
Receiving a video camera for her birthday, Judith (Brittany Ashworth) is excited to document her normal teenage life: her crush on the girl next door, her annoying brother and the installation of a swimming pool in their backyard. When her father Andy (Bradley Cole) gets a brand new promotion, the family puts in a bid on their dream house. However, through her camera, Judith soon discovers her father is living a lie: the family is essentially bankrupt. As secrets are revealed and the family disintegrates under financial pressure, Andy is eventually driven to the unimaginable. Simmering with the tension of the best Hitchcock thrillers, EXHIBIT A will "trap you in a situation of unimaginable hideousness that resonates long aft er the end titles."
This film won Best UK Feature at the Raindance Film Festival and I can definitely see why: it is extremely well done and will keep you enthralled the whole time you are watching it.
The acting is superb, with Bradley Cole giving the performance of a lifetime as the father of the family, Andy King. The emotional range that Cole provides to his character is outstanding. You sympathize with his plight, while at the same time feel put off by his odd behavior. The rest of the cast is stellar as well, a talented ensemble that accents Cole’s portrayal.
The are no real special effects (gore, carnage, etc.) per se, but we do get to see the aftermath of a severe beating which is pretty impressive. Otherwise the effects are pretty sparse. This does nothing to detract from the film however. EXHIBIT A has enough suspense and shock value without the use of a lot of visuals.
What is truly captivating about this film is the events that unfold before your eyes. I debated on whether or not to reveal the horrific events that occur at the end, and ultimately decided that I would remain silent about them. But I can almost guarantee you won’t be the same after you watch this movie.
I can still feel the sense of dread that overcame me as the credits rolled. EXHIBIT A keeps you thinking long after you’ve finished the film and walked away. As suspected, the thoughts I’ve been having are not rosy, either.
But I am very impressed with the film and am glad I got to watch it. EXHIBIT A is one you will want to give a look for certain.
CLICK HERE to watch the trailer
CLICK HERE to but a one time On Demand viewing, a full download, or the DVD
CLICK HERE to view the film's official website

CLICK HERE to visit the official website of Indiepix Films
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