For those of you in the Las Vegas area, or those planning a trip to Vegas anytime soon, you might want to do yourself a favor and head over to Eli Roth's GORETORIUM! The Goretorium is a year round haunted house on the Vegas strip. If there is one thing Eli Roth knows, it is horror and gore, and I suspect that the Goretorium will have plenty of both. I can't imagine what this attraction will be like. It is open now and I hope to make it out there someday. Check out the website by clicking the link below or click the pick above. The website is great with tons of great pics and videos about the Goretorium.
The website also has a section where you can watch a web cam of people going through the Goretorium, although at the time of this writing, the web cam was not working. I will keep checking back to see if it back online, because I think that would be a very fun web cam to watch!
If you have been to the Goretorium, please leave a comment and let us know your thoughts on it!
CLICK HERE to visit Eli Roth's GORETORIUM website!
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