My favorite zombie of all time is by far the main zombie from Lucio Fulci's ZOMBIE. The detail of the zombie is great...from the almost to the skull face..the clods of dirt stuck to the face, and especially, the worms coming out of the eye socket. They don't get any better than this.

My next favorite is "Tarman" from my favorite zombie movie, RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. The guy that played Tarman must be extremely skinny...check out the almost just bone arms. The movement of this zombie was spot on and very creepy. You also have to love his bulging eyeballs!!

Next has to be the zombie known as Dr. Tongue from DAY OF THE DEAD! With the bottom part of his jaw ripped off he is a bloody, gory, mess! What's not to love!!

This is the basement zombie from THE EVIL DEAD. Her evil milky white eyes always creep me out...as well of her constant screams of "We'll swallow your soul"!!!!!!!!!!

And finally, we have Bub the zombie, from DAY OF THE DEAD. Bub is the first zombie that was captured and studied for scientific research. Bub is actually smart and shows signs that he can be taught, or more likely "trained" to do some tasks.
Well..there is my list of my favorite, top 5 zombies of all time! What are some of your favorite zombies????