My friend
Phillip brought to my attention these cool Bruce Campbell soup can labels! In honor of Bruce Campbell's birthday today,
SciFiWire.com came up with these great labels that you can print out and put on a can to make your own Bruce Campbell soups!! Pretty Groovy if you ask me! Who wouldn't want a can of nice, warm, Cream Of Darkness soup on a cold night. Or how about a can of Gumbo Ho-Tep, Auotlycus Cheese, or my personal favorite, Bisque 'o County Jr. Soup! HA!
I thought of Evil Dead Beans and Rice!! Can you think of any other Bruce Campbell related soup names?
CLICK HERE to visit SciFiWire and to read instructions on printing out your own set of labels!
This is by far one of the greatest things I have ever seen. All Hail Bruce Campbell! Uh..and his soup!