Here is the basic plot for AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER, and the 2 sequels share basically the same plot. A killer by the name of Brandon convinces girls to come back to his hotel room and let him film their sexual escapades. What he ends up filming is a genuine "snuff" film, as he eventually kills the women he brings home. These films are hard to get used to. They are shot on a cheap camera with no cinematography whatsoever. But, this is done purposely since we are supposedly watching the found videotape that Brandon made, now being used as FBI evidence. One thing you need to be warned about is that these films are very graphic. Ryan doesn't pull any punches when it comes to showing the vile and violent acts that Brandon puts his victims through. The acting in these films is amazingly good, giving it the feel that you are watching a real film that someone made, and not a scripted movie. For that, I give Mr. Ryan a lot of credit.

It is hard to recommend these films, as they are hard to watch, disturbing, and obviously entail a subject matter that is hard to sit and enjoy, which is violence against women. Some Rape-Revenge flicks are enjoyable, such as I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and LAST HOUSE OF THE LEFT. What makes these films enjoyable is that they are true Rape/Revenge flicks. They incorporate the Revenge aspect and we get to see the woman who was put through hell take revenge on her rapists and come out on top in the end. The AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER films are not Rape/Revenge films, in that they leave out the Revenge aspect. That is what sets these films apart. Director Ryan has created a series of films that are disturbing and shocking, which is what he set out to do, so in that way, he succeeded.
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I've seen the movie and I could say its a cult classic!